Practice rebalancing your financial assets with realtime stock market data acquired on demand from Alpha Vantage or Questrade APIs. For example, get the latest stock prices or foreign exchange rates.
Please note that this project is not production ready and should only be used with practice portfolios where no real money is at risk.
$ git clone
$ cd stocker
$ ./build/
Try rebalancing a sample portfolio!
An Alpha Vantage API key is required. A free API key can be claimed here.
$ # Pass API key on command line
$ ./bin/stocker-darwin -apiKey <your_api_key> -apiServer -rebalance ./examples/portfolio.json
$ # Alternatively, load API key from environment
$ STOCKER_API_KEY=<your_api_key> ./stocker -debug -rebalance ./examples/portfolio.json
The stocker app must be registered with Questrade. Here is an example of using OAuth credentials with refresh for use with Questrade APIs.
$ ./bin/stocker-darwin -apiServer -credentials ./examples/credentials.json -rebalance ./examples/portfolio.json -refresh
Here is an example of currency conversion.
$ STOCKER_API_KEY=<your_api_key> ./bin/stocker-darwin -rebalance ./examples/currency_conversion.json -currency EUR
Here is an example of stock portfolio rebalancing in Canadian dollars.
$ STOCKER_API_KEY=<your_api_key> ./bin/stocker-darwin -rebalance ./examples/portfolio.json -currency CAD