Library of primitives for providing internationalization support.
npm i @solid-primitives/i18n
# or
pnpm add @solid-primitives/i18n
# or
yarn add @solid-primitives/i18n
The library consists of multiple small and composable primitives that can be used together to create an internationalization solution that fits your needs.
Dictionary is any plain js object that contains translations for a given language. It can be nested and contain functions.
Dictionaries can be defined in inline in js, or imported from json files.
const en_dict = {
hello: "hello {{ name }}, how are you?",
goodbye: (name: string) => `goodbye ${name}`,
food: {
meat: "meat",
fruit: "fruit",
type Dict = typeof en_dict;
const fr_dict: Dict = {
hello: "bonjour {{ name }}, comment vas-tu ?",
goodbye: (name: string) => `au revoir ${name}`,
food: {
meat: "viande",
fruit: "fruit",
When using large dictionary files, JSON files are faster to load. Additionally, we recommend keeping a flat JSON structure so you don't need to flatten the object on the client for best performance.
Example of using @solid-primitives/i18n
with createResource
to dynamically load directories for selected languages.
import * as i18n from "@solid-primitives/i18n";
Assuming the dictionaries are in the following structure:
And all exports a `dict` object
// use `type` to not include the actual dictionary in the bundle
import type * as en from "./i18n/en.js";
export type Locale = "en" | "fr" | "es";
export type RawDictionary = typeof en.dict;
export type Dictionary = i18n.Flatten<RawDictionary>;
async function fetchDictionary(locale: Locale): Promise<Dictionary> {
const dict: RawDictionary = (await import(`./i18n/${locale}.ts`)).dict;
return i18n.flatten(dict); // flatten the dictionary to make all nested keys available top-level
const App: Component = () => {
const [locale, setLocale] = createSignal<Locale>("en");
const [dict] = createResource(locale, fetchDictionary);
dict(); // => Dictionary | undefined
// (undefined when the dictionary is not loaded yet)
const t = i18n.translator(dict);
t("hello"); // => string | undefined
return (
<Show when={dict()}>
{dict => {
dict(); // => Dictionary (narrowed by Show)
const t = i18n.translator(dict);
t("hello"); // => string
return (
<p>Current locale: {locale()}</p>
<button onClick={() => setLocale("en")}>English</button>
<button onClick={() => setLocale("fr")}>French</button>
<button onClick={() => setLocale("es")}>Spanish</button>
<h4>{t("hello", { name: "John" })}</h4>
<h4>{t("goodbye", { name: "John" })}</h4>
Instead of narrowing the current dictionary with Show
, you can also provide an initial dictionary to createResource
// en dictionary will be included in the bundle
import { dict as en_dict } from "./i18n/en.js";
const [dict] = createResource(locale, fetchDictionary, {
initialValue: i18n.flatten(en_dict),
dict(); // => Dictionary
Since the dictionary is a resource, you can use solid's transitions when switching the locale.
const [dict] = createResource(locale, fetchDictionary);
const [duringTransition, startTransition] = useTransition();
function switchLocale(locale: Locale) {
startTransition(() => setLocale(locale));
return (
<div style={{ opacity: duringTransition() ? 0.5 : 1 }}>
<App />
If you don't need to load dictionaries dynamically, you can use createMemo
instead of createResource
import * as en from "./i18n/en.js";
import * as fr from "./i18n/fr.js";
import * as es from "./i18n/es.js";
const dictionaries = {
en: en.dict,
fr: fr.dict,
es: es.dict,
const [locale, setLocale] = createSignal<Locale>("en");
const dict = createMemo(() => i18n.flatten(dictionaries[locale()]));
const t = i18n.translator(dict);
Templates are strings that can contain placeholders. Placeholders are defined with double curly braces {{ placeholder }}
Templates can be resolved by calling resolveTemplate
function. e.g.
i18n.resolveTemplate("hello {{ name }}!", { name: "John" }); // => 'hello John!'
By default, the translator
function will not resolve templates. You can pass resolveTemplate
as the second argument to translator
to enable template resolution. Or use a custom template resolver.
const dict = {
hello: "hello {{ name }}!",
const t1 = i18n.translator(() => dict);
t1("hello", { name: "John" }); // => 'hello {{ name }}!'
const t2 = i18n.translator(() => dict, i18n.resolveTemplate);
t2("hello", { name: "John" }); // => 'hello John!'
Splitting the dictionary into multiple modules can be useful when you have a large dictionary and want to avoid loading the entire dictionary at once.
For example, if our app had a separate login
and dashboard
modules, we could split the dictionary into 3 modules: (common
, login
and dashboard
Translations in root.ts
would be available in all modules. Translations in login.ts
would be available only in login
module, and the same for other modules.
// root.ts
const [locale, setLocale] = createSignal<Locale>("en");
const [commonDict] = createResource(locale, fetchCommonDictionary);
const t = i18n.translator(commonDict);
// login/login.ts
const [loginDict] = createResource(locale, fetchLoginDictionary);
// translator only for login module
const loginT = i18n.translator(loginDict);
t("welcome"); // => 'Welcome from common translations!'
loginT("welcome"); // => 'Welcome from login translations!'
Or combine multiple dictionaries into one. While prefixing the keys with the module name.
const combined_dict = createMemo(() => ({
...i18n.prefix(commonDict(), "common"),
...i18n.prefix(loginDict(), "login"),
const t = i18n.translator(combined_dict);
t("common.welcome"); // => 'Welcome from common translations!'
t("login.welcome"); // => 'Welcome from login translations!'
To scope an existing translator to a module, you can use scopedTranslator
const dict = {
"login.username": "User name",
"login.password": "Password",
"login.login": "Login",
// ...
const t = i18n.translator(() => dict);
const loginT = i18n.scopedTranslator(t, "login");
loginT("username"); // => 'User name'
String paths passesd to the translator don't allow for taking advantage of TypeScript's "Go to definition", and "Find all references", "Rename" features.
If you prefer to use nested objects instead of dot notation, you can use chainedTranslator
It takes a dictionary (not flattened) to map it's shape and a translator function for resolving the translations.
const dict = {
greetings: {
hello: "hello {{ name }}!",
hi: "hi!",
goodbye: (name: string) => `goodbye ${name}!`,
const flat_dict = i18n.flatten(dict);
const t = i18n.translator(() => flat_dict, i18n.resolveTemplate);
const chained = i18n.chainedTranslator(dict, t);
chained.greetings.hello({ name: "John" }); // => "hello John!"
chained.greetings.hi(); // => "hi!"
chained.goodbye("John"); // => "goodbye John!"
Alternatively you can use proxyTranslator
that is implemented using new Proxy
so it doesn't require a directory object to be passed as source.
const proxy = i18n.proxyTranslator(t);
proxy.greetings.hello({ name: "John" }); // => "hello John!"
proxy.greetings.hi(); // => "hi!"
proxy.goodbye("John"); // => "goodbye John!"
Using a proxy will have a slight performance impact, so it's recommended to use chainedTranslator
if possible. But it can be useful when you don't have access to the dictionary object. Or want to mock the translations in tests.
const proxy = i18n.proxyTranslator(path => path);
proxy.greetings.hello({ name: "John" }); // => "greetings.hello"
proxy.greetings.hi(); // => "greetings.hi"
proxy.goodbye("John"); // => "goodbye"
the i18n package is also being used in, you can see the source code here