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GitHub Action: verify conventional commits


Check if commits of a PR match against the conventional commits specification.



- uses: taskmedia/action-conventional-commits@v1.1.20
    # token to access GitHub API to receive PR commits
    # Default: ${{ github.token }}
    token: ""

    # skip merge commits
    # Default: true
    skip_merge: ""

    # skip revert commits
    # Default: true
    skip_revert: ""

    # allow different types in commit message
    # Default: fix|feat|revert
    types: ""


Input Description Default Required
token token to access GitHub API to receive PR commits ${{ github.token }} false
skip_merge skip merge commits true false
skip_revert skip revert commits true false
types allow different types in commit message fix|feat|revert false


Output Description
breaking_commit indicates if a breaking commit was found
breaking_msg returns the breaking message of the last breaking commit
commits JSON list of commits in PR
count_commits count of commits in PR
invalid_commits indicates if this commit does not match with conventional commits (other values might be empty)
version_type semantic versioning indicator (patch, minor or major)

JSON format example output commits

    "invalid": false,
    "full": "fix(app)!: changed something\n\nThis is a big change\r\n\r\nBREAKING CHANGE: API changed",
    "type": "fix",
    "breaking": true,
    "scope": "app",
    "message": "changed something",
    "body": "This is a big change",
    "breaking_change": "API changed"