I am a Front End developer from India with industry experience building web apps. I specialise in JavaScript and have professional experience working with ReactJS.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on ReactJS.
- 📫 Ping me @ varunbardwajp@gmail.com
- 🌐 Portfolio
Design and Export React components with HTML and CSS knowledge.
The best stack for React apps.
A tree view component presents a hierarchical list.
A ReactJS library to log the data.
Get React Logger
A ReactJS Library that can be used to fabricate any design.
Get Nucleus
vbocxjs is a ReactJS library for creating banners, badges, toasts and more with zero dependencies. It uses inline styling by reducing the amount of look up time for the CSS engine.
Get vbocxjs-react
This extension for Visual Studio Code adds snippets for ReactJS for JavaScript.
Get ReactJS Snippets
A Chrome extension to generate ReactJS Snippets.
Get ReactJS Snippets Chrome Extenstion
A Dark Blue and Pinkish theme for VS Code.
Get Bloc
A JavaScript Library to create alertboxes, promptboxes and confirmboxes..
Get vbocxjs
A JavaScript Library to create alertboxes, promptboxes and confirmboxes.
Get glidejs
An oh-my-zsh theme for z shell..
Get bluo