Concrete5RandomPasswords, un block concrete5 pour générer des mots de passe aléatoires.
- Décompresser ce fichier sous votre répertoire blocks/.
- Enregistrez-vous sur votre site comme administrateur.
- Chercher dans votre interface d'administration "Type de blocs"
- Chercher le bloc "Randompasswords".
- Activer le bloc
Vous pouvez maintenant inclure ce bloc sur votre site
Concrete5RandomPasswords, a block to generate random passwords
- Unzip this file in your site's blocks/ directory.
- Login to your site as an administrator.
- Find the "Block Types" page in your dashboard.
- Find block "Randompasswords" in the list of available blocks waiting for an installation.
- Activate the block.
You may now include the clock anywhere on your concrete5 website
Concrete5RandomPasswords is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
/** *
- @package Concrete5RandomPasswords 1.0
- @author Zpartakov
- @copyright (c) 2015 Zpartakov,
- @license GNU GPL v3 or later
- @required:
- concrete5 Version