Papers by Gurpreet Randhawa
![Research paper thumbnail of Unveiling the Linkages Among Self-efficacy, Work Alienation and Turnover Intentions Using the PLS-SEM Approach](
South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management, 2024
One of the vital concerns of the banking sector, like any other industry, is to avert the departu... more One of the vital concerns of the banking sector, like any other industry, is to avert the departure of its valuable human resources. Although the extant literature has highlighted the influence of organisational and attitudinal factors on employees’ turnover intentions, the research in the context of individual-level factors and negative job attitudes is still scanty. In this regard, the current study seeks to investigate the impact of self-efficacy on bank employees’ turnover intentions. The study also focuses on work alienation as a potential intervening variable between the aforementioned constructs. Data for the present research were collected from 381 Indian bank employees using a purposive cum convenience sampling technique and a standardised questionnaire. The results of partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) depicted that self-efficacy had a significant negative effect on turnover intentions. Work alienation was also discovered to be a significant partial mediator. The present study extends valuable insights to academicians, policy makers and human resources (HR) practitioners for curtailing bank employees’ turnover intentions.
![Research paper thumbnail of Quality of work life, job involvement and job satisfaction of bus drivers of public sector transport in Punjab: a mediation analysis](
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, 2024
The present study examines the relationship between quality of work life, job involvement and job... more The present study examines the relationship between quality of work life, job involvement and job satisfaction of public transportation bus drivers in Punjab, India. The sample of the study constituted 483 bus drivers working in three state road transport undertakings in Punjab, namely PUNBUS, Punjab roadways, and PEPSU road transport corporation. A structured questionnaire comprising measures of quality of work life, job involvement and job satisfaction was used to collect the data. The results of this research using the multiple regression techniques show that a significant relationship exists between quality of work life dimensions, job involvement and job satisfaction. Besides, job satisfaction mediates the relationship between overall quality of work life and job involvement. Results of the study have practical implications for the enhancement of job involvement, job satisfaction of bus drivers through advancement in their quality of work life.
Envision - International Journal of Commerce and Management, 2023
This paper aims to review the existing literature relating to cultural intelligence (CQ), emotion... more This paper aims to review the existing literature relating to cultural intelligence (CQ), emotional labor (EL), and job performance (JP) to propose a theoretical model. The research article integrates existing findings from the previous literature and integrates the theoretical framework comprising CQ, EL, and JP. Further, it addresses the current research objectives on the relationship among constructs and proposes a relationship that shows the impact of CQ on EL and JP. Furthermore, it proposes that EL mediates the relationship between CQ and JP. This is primarily a theoretical paper focusing on the CQ and its relation with job performance through emotional labor.
Hindustan Times, 12 November, p.4., 2023
Management and Labour Studies, 2005
The present study attempts to examine the relationship between work performance and work attitude... more The present study attempts to examine the relationship between work performance and work attitudes (job satisfaction, turnover intentions and job specific self-efficacy). Participants were a sample of 150 scientists randomly selected from the Agriculture Extension Centres in Haryana. They were in the age range of 26 to 65 years. The results indicated that both job satisfaction and self-efficacy are significantly positively correlated with work performance of scientists. Furthermore, the results showed that there is a significant negative correlation between turnover intentions and work performance. Thus, the analysis indicated that work performance is significantly related to all these variables.
![Research paper thumbnail of Adjustment among the university students](
Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management, 2011
Adjustment is a complex and multi-faceted concept. The adjustment process is a way in which an in... more Adjustment is a complex and multi-faceted concept. The adjustment process is a way in which an individual attempts to deal with stress, tensions, conflicts etc., and meet his or her needs (Kulshrestha, 1979). In this process the individual also makes efforts to maintain harmonious relationships with the environment. The present study aimed to examine the adjustment levels in the students’ life when they shift from school level to college or university level. A random sample of 100 students from faculty of commerce and business management has been selected which consists of 40 male and 60 female students respectively. The measurement of college adjustment inventory developed by Randhawa and Chauhan (2004) was applied. This scale consists of 50 items distributed on five dimensions. Means, standard deviations and t-test values were used to analyze the data. The findings of the study revealed that male students are better adjusted than the female students. The study concludes that the successful transition of the students from school level to university level is essential for the bright and prosperous future of the students. For this proper and timely guidance and counselling on the part of parents and teachers is must.
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Oct 1, 2007
The present study attempts to measure and compare the job satisfaction of workers in the public a... more The present study attempts to measure and compare the job satisfaction of workers in the public and private sector textile factories in Nepal. Also, it attempts to measure the overall job satisfaction of the textile workers in Nepal. Data were collected from a sample of 372 workers (238 from public sector and 134 from private sector textile factories respectively). The results of the study reveal that both the public and private sector textile workers are, by and large, similar in their perceptions towards the facets of the job. Along with this, the results reveal that the textile workers in Nepal have a high dissatisfaction with the facets of the job that involve the monetary expenditure of the organisation, the behavioural aspects of management and the employment policy of the organisation.
![Research paper thumbnail of Telemedicine : Integrating ICT and Health Care System](
Telemedicine : Integrating ICT and Health Care System, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.40-47, 2018
Health is always considered as one of the strong pillars of sustainable development. Healthy citi... more Health is always considered as one of the strong pillars of sustainable development. Healthy citizens are regarded as greatest asset of any nation. In a country like India where more than 70 percent of population still lives in rural and remote areas, accessibility to quality healthcare infrastructure as well as healthcare personnel is a big challenge for policy makers. Among the various alternative strategies available the integration of ICT and healthcare system in the form of telemedicine is regarded as one of the most revolutionary innovation in healthcare management that can enhance quality of delivery of healthcare services. Considering the significance of telemedicine the present paper examined the various initiatives taken by Indian Government along with other organizations to utilize expertise of India in ICT in the healthcare sector. Further, the paper also highlighted the various challenges to successful implementation of telemedicine network in India as well as its future prospects.
![Research paper thumbnail of Social Protection Floor A Socio Economic Development Policy.pdf](
Management Dynamics, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 26-37, 2013
Recently the issue of social protection floor (SPF) has gained a strong momentum at
International... more Recently the issue of social protection floor (SPF) has gained a strong momentum at
International Labour Organisation (ILO) and World Health Organisation (WHO) meetings.
A series of discussions are going on in ILO for a comprehensive instrument in the form of
non-binding recommendation on social protection floor for providing basic social protection
benefits for all. SPF is considered as a powerful instrument at national level for addressing
the permanent human crisis. In this regard the present paper attempts to examine the concept
of social protection floor and its significance. The paper is based on the secondary sources of
data. For this purpose, the various research papers and publications of ILO, WHO and
UNDP and, the reports published by the government and non-government agencies were
considered. The paper attempts to contribute to the ongoing discussion on the relevance of a
social protection floor in our country.
Indian Police Journal, Vol. LX, No. 3, pp. 4-24, 2013
In the community, social and personal services, policing is one of the
most complicated social se... more In the community, social and personal services, policing is one of the
most complicated social service activities (Buker and Dolu, 2010).
It is frequently portrayed as excessively demanding, unpredictable,
potentially dangerous and often conflictual (Dick and Cassell, 2004).
The police system in India is based on the Police Act of 1861. To bring
out reforms in the police system, several committees were set up by
the government of India from time to time. In this regard, the present
paper attempts to review the reforms initiated by the government for
the growth and development of police in India. Further, the paper also
examines the employment status of police in India.
![Research paper thumbnail of Women in Police Employment Status and Challenges.pdf](
ASCI Journal of Management 42 (2): 38–51, 2013
The goal of human development is directly linked with the development and empowerment of women, w... more The goal of human development is directly linked with the development and empowerment of women, who, according to the Census of 2011 represent 48.46 percent of the total population of India. The socio-economic development of women is very essential for the sustained growth of a nation. In the year 1991, the proportion of women workforce in organised sector of India was 14.14 percent which increased to 20.41 percent in the year 2010. As far as employment in the police sector is considered, this field is still regarded as one of the most masculinised occupations of the world. Police, as a career provides job security and recognition in the society. However, the women representation in police has been far from the mark. According to the report issued by the Bureau of Police Research and Development (on 01-01-2011), women police represent only 4.59 percent of total police of India. As a result the ratio of women police to men police is 01: 21. Considering the importance of employment of women employees in the police job the present study attempts to examine the current employment status of women in police. Further it also examines the various challenges faced by women employees in police job. For the present study secondary data were collected from various sources like, various issues of Economic Survey of India, various reports issued by Bureau of Police Research and Development and National Crime Records Bureau etc.
![Research paper thumbnail of Work performance and its correlates: an empirical study](
Vision, Vol.11, No.1, pp.47-55, 2007
The present study attempts to examine the relationships between work performance and some key var... more The present study attempts to examine the relationships between work performance and some key variables (i.e., job satisfaction, turnover intentions and job-specific self-efficacy). The data was collected from 150 scientists working at National Dairy Research Institute (NDRl), Kamal, Haryana. The results revealed a significant positive relationship between work performance and job satisfaction, which signifies that satisfied
workforce is more productive. A significant positive relationship is also found between self-efficacy and
work performance, suggesting that the higher the job-specific self-efficacy, the higher will be the work
performance of employees. Further, the findings of the study reveal a significant negative relationship
between turnover intentions and work performance which shows that employees having low intent to quit,
perform better. Furthermore, an attempt has also been made to determine the joint contribution of these
variables to work performance. The findings revealed that the measures of demographic variables, job
satisfaction, turnover intentions and self-efficacy jointly account for considerable amount of variance in
work performance.
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 336-346, 2004
Recent theory and research have begun to emphasize the role of self-efficacy in performance accom... more Recent theory and research have begun to emphasize the role of self-efficacy in performance accomplishments. The present study attempts to examine the relationship between self-efficacy and work performance. The data were collected from 300 scientists (150 from National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal and 150 from Agriculture Extension Centres in Haryana). The results showed significant positive correlation between job specific self-efficacy and work performance. This signifies that higher the job specific self-efficacy, higher will be work performance of employees. Comparative analysis done to measure differences between the two groups of scientists revealed that the two groups did not differ significantly on the measures of self-efficacy and work performance.
![Research paper thumbnail of Present Status and Challenges of Sugar Industry in Punjab](
Prajnan, Vol. XLII, No.4, pp. 375-391, 2014
Among the Indian states, the Punjab State is known as the granary of
India. Its fertile land is c... more Among the Indian states, the Punjab State is known as the granary of
India. Its fertile land is considered ideal for agricultural production. During
the year 2011-12 the State of Punjab contributed 38.7 per cent of wheat
and 22.1 per cent of rice to total agriculture production. However, as far
as the sugar production is concerned the State of Punjab produced only
1.48 per cent of the total sugar production of India. In this regard the
present paper attempts to examine the current status of sugar industry
in Punjab. Further, the paper also attempts to identify the key challenges
of the sugar mills in Punjab. The paper is based on the secondary sources
of data which have been collected from various reports and publications
of Sugarfed (Sugar Federation, Punjab), Economic Surveys of Punjab and
India, Statistical Abstracts of Punjab, Indian Sugar Mill Association (ISMA) reports, reports of Food and Public Distribution Department, Vasantdada Sugar Institute Annuals, etc.
![Research paper thumbnail of Status of Public Health Care Services in Punjab.pdf](
Pravara Management Review (PMR), vol. 10, No. Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 10-15., 2011
The Punjab state continues to rank high among the other major states of India regarding per capit... more The Punjab state continues to rank high among the other major states of India regarding per capita income and agricultural growth since independence, yet the status of public health care services in Punjab seems doubtful. The infant mortality rate in Punjab vas 41 per 1000 live births (2008). Hovever it was only 12 per 1000 in Kerala vhich is much lover than Punjab. Disparities are also very vide in terms of rural/urban, sex and inter district. Due to poor health care services in Punjab, it got World Bank assistance for the improvement of health services in terms of access as vell as quality by establishing Punjab Health Systems Corporation (PHSC) in 1996-97. The present paper attempts to examine the present status of public health care services in Punjab and improvement, ifany, after the setting up of PHSC. The paper is based mainly on the secondary data. The analysis has focused on the post reforms period.
NICE Journal of Business, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 81 - 88, 2009
Job stress has become a common problem both in developing as well as developed countries. Teachin... more Job stress has become a common problem both in developing as well as developed countries. Teaching is
often considered as a stressful occupation. Considering the significance of absence of avoidable stress in a
teacher’s life from the point of view of students, institution, and the society, the present study examines the
various sources of teacher stress and its evil consequences. It highlights the major stress-coping strategies
adopted by teachers. Furthermore, it presents the methodology which should be used for measuring teacher
stress in future. The focus is on the fact that teacher stress should be handled at individual, school, and
the government levels.
Paradigm, Vol. 11, No.1, pp. 28-36, 2007
The present study is an attempt to assess the association between job satisfaction and some perso... more The present study is an attempt to assess the association between job satisfaction and some personal attributes (e.g. age, marital status, number of dependants, educational attainment, skill level, nature of employment, experience, and monthly additional income) of the industrial workers of Nepal. Data were collected from a sample of 372 textile workers. The results of the study reveal that there is a positive association of job satisfaction with age, skill, permanent employment status, experience and workers' large additional income. However, the marital status and number of dependants has been found to be negatively associated with the job satisfaction of the industrial workers. Further, no definite association was observed between education and job satisfaction.
The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 53, No.2, pp.265-276, 2017
The organizational climate exerts a significant influence on individual as well as organizational... more The organizational climate exerts a significant influence on individual as well as organizational level outcomes. This paper examines the relationship between the organizational climate and organizational commitment and explores the factors that impact the level of organizational commitment at workplace. The sample consisted of 509 respondents working in 10 large scale food processing companies of Punjab in India. Results revealed that overall organizational climate has a strong positive correlation with organizational commitment. The major dimensions that impact the commitment levels are: welfare, supervisory support, pressure to produce, clarity of organizational goals, performance feedback, tradition, participation, integration, training, quality, effort, efficiency, innovation and flexibility.
Papers by Gurpreet Randhawa
International Labour Organisation (ILO) and World Health Organisation (WHO) meetings.
A series of discussions are going on in ILO for a comprehensive instrument in the form of
non-binding recommendation on social protection floor for providing basic social protection
benefits for all. SPF is considered as a powerful instrument at national level for addressing
the permanent human crisis. In this regard the present paper attempts to examine the concept
of social protection floor and its significance. The paper is based on the secondary sources of
data. For this purpose, the various research papers and publications of ILO, WHO and
UNDP and, the reports published by the government and non-government agencies were
considered. The paper attempts to contribute to the ongoing discussion on the relevance of a
social protection floor in our country.
most complicated social service activities (Buker and Dolu, 2010).
It is frequently portrayed as excessively demanding, unpredictable,
potentially dangerous and often conflictual (Dick and Cassell, 2004).
The police system in India is based on the Police Act of 1861. To bring
out reforms in the police system, several committees were set up by
the government of India from time to time. In this regard, the present
paper attempts to review the reforms initiated by the government for
the growth and development of police in India. Further, the paper also
examines the employment status of police in India.
workforce is more productive. A significant positive relationship is also found between self-efficacy and
work performance, suggesting that the higher the job-specific self-efficacy, the higher will be the work
performance of employees. Further, the findings of the study reveal a significant negative relationship
between turnover intentions and work performance which shows that employees having low intent to quit,
perform better. Furthermore, an attempt has also been made to determine the joint contribution of these
variables to work performance. The findings revealed that the measures of demographic variables, job
satisfaction, turnover intentions and self-efficacy jointly account for considerable amount of variance in
work performance.
India. Its fertile land is considered ideal for agricultural production. During
the year 2011-12 the State of Punjab contributed 38.7 per cent of wheat
and 22.1 per cent of rice to total agriculture production. However, as far
as the sugar production is concerned the State of Punjab produced only
1.48 per cent of the total sugar production of India. In this regard the
present paper attempts to examine the current status of sugar industry
in Punjab. Further, the paper also attempts to identify the key challenges
of the sugar mills in Punjab. The paper is based on the secondary sources
of data which have been collected from various reports and publications
of Sugarfed (Sugar Federation, Punjab), Economic Surveys of Punjab and
India, Statistical Abstracts of Punjab, Indian Sugar Mill Association (ISMA) reports, reports of Food and Public Distribution Department, Vasantdada Sugar Institute Annuals, etc.
often considered as a stressful occupation. Considering the significance of absence of avoidable stress in a
teacher’s life from the point of view of students, institution, and the society, the present study examines the
various sources of teacher stress and its evil consequences. It highlights the major stress-coping strategies
adopted by teachers. Furthermore, it presents the methodology which should be used for measuring teacher
stress in future. The focus is on the fact that teacher stress should be handled at individual, school, and
the government levels.
International Labour Organisation (ILO) and World Health Organisation (WHO) meetings.
A series of discussions are going on in ILO for a comprehensive instrument in the form of
non-binding recommendation on social protection floor for providing basic social protection
benefits for all. SPF is considered as a powerful instrument at national level for addressing
the permanent human crisis. In this regard the present paper attempts to examine the concept
of social protection floor and its significance. The paper is based on the secondary sources of
data. For this purpose, the various research papers and publications of ILO, WHO and
UNDP and, the reports published by the government and non-government agencies were
considered. The paper attempts to contribute to the ongoing discussion on the relevance of a
social protection floor in our country.
most complicated social service activities (Buker and Dolu, 2010).
It is frequently portrayed as excessively demanding, unpredictable,
potentially dangerous and often conflictual (Dick and Cassell, 2004).
The police system in India is based on the Police Act of 1861. To bring
out reforms in the police system, several committees were set up by
the government of India from time to time. In this regard, the present
paper attempts to review the reforms initiated by the government for
the growth and development of police in India. Further, the paper also
examines the employment status of police in India.
workforce is more productive. A significant positive relationship is also found between self-efficacy and
work performance, suggesting that the higher the job-specific self-efficacy, the higher will be the work
performance of employees. Further, the findings of the study reveal a significant negative relationship
between turnover intentions and work performance which shows that employees having low intent to quit,
perform better. Furthermore, an attempt has also been made to determine the joint contribution of these
variables to work performance. The findings revealed that the measures of demographic variables, job
satisfaction, turnover intentions and self-efficacy jointly account for considerable amount of variance in
work performance.
India. Its fertile land is considered ideal for agricultural production. During
the year 2011-12 the State of Punjab contributed 38.7 per cent of wheat
and 22.1 per cent of rice to total agriculture production. However, as far
as the sugar production is concerned the State of Punjab produced only
1.48 per cent of the total sugar production of India. In this regard the
present paper attempts to examine the current status of sugar industry
in Punjab. Further, the paper also attempts to identify the key challenges
of the sugar mills in Punjab. The paper is based on the secondary sources
of data which have been collected from various reports and publications
of Sugarfed (Sugar Federation, Punjab), Economic Surveys of Punjab and
India, Statistical Abstracts of Punjab, Indian Sugar Mill Association (ISMA) reports, reports of Food and Public Distribution Department, Vasantdada Sugar Institute Annuals, etc.
often considered as a stressful occupation. Considering the significance of absence of avoidable stress in a
teacher’s life from the point of view of students, institution, and the society, the present study examines the
various sources of teacher stress and its evil consequences. It highlights the major stress-coping strategies
adopted by teachers. Furthermore, it presents the methodology which should be used for measuring teacher
stress in future. The focus is on the fact that teacher stress should be handled at individual, school, and
the government levels.
by Dr. Karamjit Singh Gill, Amritsar based renowned Pathologist, to achieve his ‘Mission
Pathology’. The present case is based on the journey of Dr. Gill, a doctor turned
entrepreneur, in establishing his own Path lab. The case focuses on the various
entrepreneurial skills displayed by him. The numerous concerns of the founder regarding
his newly opened up lab, its performance, the staff as well as competition in the market
are also discussed. Further the case sheds light on the various decisions taken by
the founder related to finance, promotion and expansion of the lab. The case also
highlights the reasons of the various staff members for joining the lab, their working
experience in the lab, various challenges they have faced so far as well as their relations
and interactions with the founder. Lastly the case describes the immediate concerns of
the founder related to optimum utilization of machines, hiring of new staff as well as
employee friendly schemes, and provision of various other facilities under one roof of
the lab.
2011: Sustainability and Inequality, India ranks a low at 134
out of 187 countries in terms of the human development index
(HDI) that assesses long-term progress indicators in health,
education and income. Although the report placed India in
“medium category” but it was far behind even many
economically less developed nations like Iraq and Philippines.
As per this report India had the world's largest number of
multidimensional poor (612 million), more than half of its
population. Currently the population of India is 1.22 billion.
More than 50% of India's current population is below the age
of 25 and over 65% below the age of 35. Sector-wise, a major
chunk of the Indian labour force (around 94 percent) is
employed in the unorgainzed or informal sector which
means that they work without any employment security or
social security. So they are not able to get any sort of benefit
from a basic set of social guarantees which help them to deal
with the life’s risks. Besides that the recurring financial and
economic crisis, anywhere in the world, adds directly or
indirectly to their misery.
propose a model on the basis of literature review.
Methodology- Data were collected from various secondary sources by reviewing the relevant literature. For this, an electronic database
search using well-known databases, like Scopus, etc. and a manual search for articles in various reputed journals was carried out.
Findings- The paper proposes a model that shows linkages between EI and its key correlates.
Managerial Implications- The study suggests various practical implications for organisationalselection, career advancement/promotion
and training and development systems. Efforts should be made to hireemployees with high EI and also enhance the EI of existing
employees for a ‘win-win’ situation which contributes towards the growth and success of both the individuals as well as the organisation.
Limitations- The paper takes into consideration only the main correlates of EI. Others variables like employee engagement, absenteeism,
etc. can be taken up in the future work.
entry of this virus brought drastic changes and a huge impact on human life. Particularly it
led to health and emotional challenges, as a result, people suffer badly from stress, anxiety,
uncertainty, and fear. Lockdown and quarantine periods adopted during Covid-19 greatly
affected the economy of our country. The estimated worst affected sectors by Covid-19
include food and accommodation (144 million workers), retail and wholesale (482 million),
business services and administration (157 million), and manufacturing (463 million) (Dutta
et al., 2020). The present paper is based on the current scenario created due to Covid-19 and
attempts to review the influence of Covid-19 and to identify the related positive and negative
pragmatic approach would be to first learn from the best international experiences and approaches and
then implement those in Indian context. With this view, the chapter examines some of the best practices
related with different aspects of a smart city and suggests their relevancy for the development of smart
cities in India. The study found that by focusing on the five core areas (i.e., urban mobility and public
transport, safety and security of citizens, health and education, water management, and robust IT connectivity and social networking) the concerned authorities in India can successfully achieve their goal
of urban redevelopment and transformation with scarce resources. Limitations and scope for future
research are discussed in the end.
Key Words: Employability, Skills, Knowledge, Mentoring.