Papers by Alexandra Baixinho
Persée - Portail des revues scientifiques en SHS, 2015
Cette communication présente les résultats d’une étude de cas menée à Lisbonne, dans une perspect... more Cette communication présente les résultats d’une étude de cas menée à Lisbonne, dans une perspective anthropologique. À la fin du XVIIIe siècle, le port n’était qu’une vaste plage ponctuée de petits quais. Au début du XXe siècle, le chemin de fer, les infrastructures et industries portuaires ont opéré une rupture entre la ville et la rivière. Aujourd’hui, le port n’occupe plus autant d’espace sur le front d’eau lisboète, et le cède progressivement à la municipalité et aux citoyens. La croissance des croisières maritimes – une méga-industrie mondiale – illustre la « réappropriation » touristique des anciens espaces industriels portuaires et modifie les paysages urbains et portuaires, en créant des dynamiques, des conflits, des représentations et des usages nouveaux.
This thesis proposes an experimental sensory ethnographic approach to investigate the phenomenon ... more This thesis proposes an experimental sensory ethnographic approach to investigate the phenomenon of cruise ship tourism, from an ashore perspective, with cruise terminals and their surroundings as key nodes to my research. My focus is on how these aquamobilities – as I designate them - are performed in, interact with, and co-produce, the places visited. The main aim of this thesis is to contribute with liveliness (Back, 2012a; Back and and Puwar, 2012) to visual sociology scholarship, and to bring further knowledge on an understudied mobilities phenomenon. Walking, photographing, and doing sound recordings, were the main practices mobilized in the (uneven) engagement with field places, complemented with participant observation, interviews and informal conversations. My multi-sited fieldwork was based in Lisbon (for six months), Barcelona (for three months), and included shorter periods in Tilbury, Dover, Bergen/Oslo, and Le Havre. A set of visual and aural materials gathered along t...
Land, 2021
As strategies for the development of creative tourism multiply in contexts ranging from global ci... more As strategies for the development of creative tourism multiply in contexts ranging from global cities to small communities, the need for a clearer conceptual framework, capable of better differentiating existing approaches, has become more evident. Building upon existing knowledge on cultural and creative tourism, and on a prior review of the literature on creative tourism on islands, this paper proposes a typology of creative tourism initiatives, and after examining this new categoriza- tion, develops the concept of sustainable creative tourism. Through highlighting the need for creative tourism developers, policymakers, and practitioners to deepen their engagement with more holistic and integrated approaches oriented towards sustainable development in all its dimensions (economic, environmental, social, and cultural), the authors systematize a set of international principles and policy recommendations meant to promote sustainable creative tourism development strategies, duly adjusted to different places and realities, with an emphasis on vulnerable islandscapes.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Sustainability, 2020
In the last two decades, creative tourism has evolved as a burgeoning field, encompassing a wide ... more In the last two decades, creative tourism has evolved as a burgeoning field, encompassing a wide range of concepts and practices, in different places around the world. From the very beginning, however, creative tourism has aimed to contribute to sustainable development and increased community wellbeing, as an alternative to mass cultural tourism. With this review article, our main objective is to identify and analyze a body of literature that specifically addresses creative tourism in islands, contributing to fill a gap in the knowledge since no reviews with this focus have yet been undertaken. Our aim is to provide a critical overview of creative tourism experiences at island destinations worldwide, addressing the plurality of empirical contexts and methodological approaches found in academic research. This review highlights the key trends in creative tourism, pointing out two distinct approaches: creative tourism in urban contexts, based on creative events, "cultural clusters" or Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs), versus community-focused small-scale tourism experiences in rural contexts. This paper also provides an opportunity to assess the evolution of sustainable creative tourism approaches in islands.
Seismograf, 2016
Experimental audio paper
(Listen to the audio paper here: more Experimental audio paper
(Listen to the audio paper here:
The audio paper is an experiment in combining two different soundscapes: a sonic composition of field recordings from Hallingskarvet mountain and an urban waterfront atmosphere, with the site-specific real time sounds of Islands Brygge. Baixinho and Blom explore what happens when we mix sounds from a Norwegian mountain with sounds from a Danish urban, post-industrial waterfront environment and its contemporary recreational uses. How does the pre-existent aural environment integrate and dialogue with our “invading” sonic composition? How do sounds mix, overlap or distinguish themselves? The audio paper reflects on the content of both independent soundscapes and explores the outcomes of this mingling.
Audio Paper Waterfront Time-space Porosity Mountain Aural perception
Ordonner les lieux et les hommes, Paris, Édition électronique du CTHS (Actes des congrès des sociétés historiques et scientifiques), 2015
Cette communication présente les résultats d’une étude de cas menée à Lisbonne, dans la perspecti... more Cette communication présente les résultats d’une étude de cas menée à Lisbonne, dans la perspective de l’anthropologie. A la fin du XVIIIe siècle, le port n’était qu’une vaste plage ponctuée de petits quais, mais au début du XXe siècle le chemin de fer et les infrastructures et industries portuaires ont institué une rupture entre la ville et la rivière. Aujourd’hui, le port n’occupe plus autant d’espace sur le front d’eau de la capitale et le cède progressivement à la municipalité et aux citoyens. Un exemple de la « réappropriation » touristique des anciens espaces industriels portuaires est la croissance des croisières maritimes – une méga-industrie mondiale, qui change les paysages urbains et portuaires, en créant de nouveaux usages, des dynamiques, des conflits et des représentations.
Adding to the proliferation of leisure and recreational activities - an overall trend in the post... more Adding to the proliferation of leisure and recreational activities - an overall trend in the post-industrial urban context -, port-cities now host new leisure driven actors and practices, specifically related with cruise ship tourism. Given the exponential growth of cruise industry, and the magnitude of cruise ships themselves, the landscape of many European port-cities has been changing rapidly in the last decades. However, the transformative power of these aquamobilities in the visited places goes well beyond their almost daily visual impact, playing a part in the co-production of their urban space and everyday life. This happens, for instance, through the investment in new cruise terminal infrastructures, often linked to wider regeneration projects. Here, power issues are frequently related with unaccounted surroundings, and lack of community involvement in urban planning process, raising questions about the ‘right to the city’. Surprisingly, or not, the huge power of cruise mega-corporations is also gradually stepping ashore, as they extend their holdings to other tourism segments, and even port facilities and services. This paper will discuss how cruise aquamobilities actually unfold at, and co-construct, the visited places. Drawing on empirical research in several port-cities, I will highlight the more fine-grained findings reached through my visual/sensory approach.
Lisboetas Utentes Gráfico 4-Distribuição dos utentes por escalão etário. Comparação com os result... more Lisboetas Utentes Gráfico 4-Distribuição dos utentes por escalão etário. Comparação com os resultados do inquérito aos Residentes em Lisboa. Em traços gerais, podemos observar, actualmente, uma maior percentagem de população sénior (com mais de 65 anos) na capital do que na AML. Contudo, se olharmos para os escalões etários imediatamente anteriores (55-64 e 45-54 anos), a tendência para o envelhecimento da população na AML está também presente, embora com um desfasamento de cerca de 10 anos. Cruzando o escalão etário com a tipologia de questionário, verifica-se que nos utentes de tipo A, existe uma maior percentagem de pessoas na faixa etária entre os 55 e os 64 anos, enquanto nos utentes de tipo C e D, surge um maior peso relativo dos escalões dos 35-44 anos e dos 25-34 anos, respectivamente. Já nos utentes de tipo D (aqueles que frequentam Lisboa durante a semana e fim de semana), verifica-se que são os mais novos os mais "aditivos" de Lisboa.
Abstract: O turismo de cruzeiros contemporâneo é caracterizado como um fenómeno social global que... more Abstract: O turismo de cruzeiros contemporâneo é caracterizado como um fenómeno social global que, em cada cidade, mobiliza um conjunto alargado de actores sociais, representações e estratégias identitárias, inserindo-se nos processos de turistização e ...
Abstract: O turismo de cruzeiros contemporâneo é caracterizado como um fenómeno social global que... more Abstract: O turismo de cruzeiros contemporâneo é caracterizado como um fenómeno social global que, em cada cidade, mobiliza um conjunto alargado de actores sociais, representações e estratégias identitárias, inserindo-se nos processos de turistização e ...
Books by Alexandra Baixinho
O livro inclui um processo de estudo das escalas e processos de ação sociopolítica de proximidade... more O livro inclui um processo de estudo das escalas e processos de ação sociopolítica de proximidade na governação da cidade de Lisboa. Os seus autores, Luísa Schmidt, João Seixas e Alexandra Baixinho, abordam os contextos, as realidades e as dinâmicas à escala das suas freguesias, e as respetivas juntas de freguesia, descerrando as recentes transformações políticas e legislativas, e aprofundando estas questões do ponto de vista de um dos principais grupos de agentes locais – os presidentes das juntas de freguesia de Lisboa (antes das eleições de 2013). Oferece, portanto, segundo os autores, «uma base central para o melhor entendimento das exigências da governação de proximidade na cidade contemporânea, fornecendo ainda um guia de leitura e de informação aos fregueses sobre os seus direitos, convidando-os igualmente a intervir, mais e melhor».
Book Chapters (Co-Authored) by Alexandra Baixinho
Research Reports by Alexandra Baixinho
Papers by Alexandra Baixinho
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
(Listen to the audio paper here:
The audio paper is an experiment in combining two different soundscapes: a sonic composition of field recordings from Hallingskarvet mountain and an urban waterfront atmosphere, with the site-specific real time sounds of Islands Brygge. Baixinho and Blom explore what happens when we mix sounds from a Norwegian mountain with sounds from a Danish urban, post-industrial waterfront environment and its contemporary recreational uses. How does the pre-existent aural environment integrate and dialogue with our “invading” sonic composition? How do sounds mix, overlap or distinguish themselves? The audio paper reflects on the content of both independent soundscapes and explores the outcomes of this mingling.
Audio Paper Waterfront Time-space Porosity Mountain Aural perception
Books by Alexandra Baixinho
Book Chapters (Co-Authored) by Alexandra Baixinho
Research Reports by Alexandra Baixinho
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
(Listen to the audio paper here:
The audio paper is an experiment in combining two different soundscapes: a sonic composition of field recordings from Hallingskarvet mountain and an urban waterfront atmosphere, with the site-specific real time sounds of Islands Brygge. Baixinho and Blom explore what happens when we mix sounds from a Norwegian mountain with sounds from a Danish urban, post-industrial waterfront environment and its contemporary recreational uses. How does the pre-existent aural environment integrate and dialogue with our “invading” sonic composition? How do sounds mix, overlap or distinguish themselves? The audio paper reflects on the content of both independent soundscapes and explores the outcomes of this mingling.
Audio Paper Waterfront Time-space Porosity Mountain Aural perception
Given the exponential growth of cruise industry, and the magnitude of cruise ships themselves, the landscape of many European port-cities has been changing rapidly in the last decades. However, the transformative power of these aquamobilities in the visited places goes well beyond their almost daily visual impact, playing a part in the co-production of their urban space and everyday life. This happens, for instance, through the investment in new cruise terminal infrastructures, often linked to wider regeneration projects. Here, power issues are frequently related with unaccounted surroundings, and lack of community involvement in urban planning process, raising questions about the ‘right to the city’.
Surprisingly, or not, the huge power of cruise mega-corporations is also gradually stepping ashore, as they extend their holdings to other tourism segments, and even port facilities and services. This paper will discuss how cruise aquamobilities actually unfold at, and co-construct, the visited places. Drawing on empirical research in several port-cities, I will highlight the more fine-grained findings reached through my visual/sensory approach.
in The Future of Art is Urban: Artistic Research Practices and Methods in Social Sciences
30 May - 14 June 2014, Enclave Gallery, London