Richard Grayson
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Papers by Richard Grayson
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Project conducted in 2016
This transdisciplinary project is uncovering the lives of Francophones in London during the war, more specifically in 1916. We are studying both the refugees and also permanently settled communities in the capital, and the interactions between these two separate groups and the British.
The project is run by Richard Grayson (Goldsmiths, University of London) and Charlotte Faucher (Queen Mary, University of London) in partnership with students (11 to 16 years old) and staff at the Lycée français Charles de Gaulle in South Kensington and NewVIc 6th Form College in Newham.
The project aims to broaden the historical perspective on the First World War initially among children of today’s Francophone community in London and lead them to act as historians. Students are conducting original research on an understudied topic, using sources (Francophone newspapers published in London) which historians have yet to explore. Non-francophone pupils are examining how the British press depicted Francophone communities and refuges.