I am reminded that at the first public gathering about the charter change proposal, Michael Chameides evoked the name of Elon Musk and DOGE in protesting the premise that Hudson would run more effectively and professionally with the city manager/council form of government. What Hudson residents and Hudson taxpayers need to remember is that, over the past five years Hudson's budget has increased by close to a million dollars a year, going from $14,910,741 in 2020 to $19,771,551 in 2025. In 2025, there was a gap of close to a million dollars between anticipated revenues and anticipated expenses--a gap that was closed by taking money from the fund balance, the city's "rainy day" fund. Balancing the budget using the fund balance has been going on for a few years now, and it is not sustainable.

It is also important to remember that of the sixty-three cities in New York, Hudson is sixth highest in per person spending, and among the New York cities with populations of fewer than 10,000, Hudson tops the list, outspending the second highest by more than $1,000 per person. But is the quality of life in Hudson superior to that of the other cities? Proponents of a city manager/council form of government are not advocating for someone to take a chain saw to city services and programs but rather to have someone help us understand why our spending seems so disproportionate compared with that of other cities in New York. 

In its second editorial, which appeared on March 19, the Times Union Editorial Board doubles down on its argument that "defanging" the office of mayor and reducing the Common Council from eleven members to five "would significantly reduce direct democracy in the city and might discourage civic participation." They also quote one of Gilson's experts in opining that "it would be difficult to find someone willing to run for an office [mayor] with no influence."

There are valid reasons to fear for the state of democracy in this country, but the proposed charter change in Hudson isn't one of them. Having two people represent each ward doesn't mean better representation. Those who observe the Common Council know the work of the Council is now being carried by only about half of its members. As a resident of Hudson, I would much rather be represented by one councilmember who takes the job seriously, stays in touch with constituents, is informed about the issues, and works conscientiously to serve the community than by two who may or may not show up for meetings or take an active role in dealing with the business at hand. In my opinion, having fewer seats on the Common Council could result in better, more capable representation. We don't have "pure democracy." In a pure democracy, there would be no elected representatives. Since we have elected representatives, the goal should be to have better representatives not more.   

The fear "it would be difficult to find someone willing to run for an office with no influence" is something of a straw man. It's difficult to find people to run for mayor now. This year, our current mayor is being challenged by two, possibly three, contenders, but in the past two elections, he ran unopposed. In 2023, he received only 951 votes, although 1,409 ballots were cast. A third of the voters who went to the polls didn't vote for him. (Only about a third of the registered voters in Hudson voted in that election, so in 2023, the mayor was reelected by fewer than a quarter of the voters.)

It's not easy to get people to run for Common Council either. This week is the final week for prospective councilmembers to get signatures on nominating petitions. For a while, it seemed there were not two people willing to run in each ward. Something similar happened in 2023. Decreasing the number of councilmembers by half might not be such a bad thing. One councilmember for each ward means one representative for every 1,158 people. In Albany, where there are fifteen wards, there is also one councilmember for each ward, but with a population of 101,228, each councilmember represents 6,748 people--that's a thousand more than the entire population of Hudson.  

The public hearing on the proposed charter changes happens tonight at 6:00 p.m. The hearing takes place in person at City Hall, and it can be accessed on Microsoft Teams. Click here for the link to join the meeting remotely.