Papers by eri prasetyo wibowo
International journal of computer applications in technology, 2022
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Dec 31, 2017
This paper proposes a method of extraction, classification and pattern recognition songket cloth ... more This paper proposes a method of extraction, classification and pattern recognition songket cloth texture. Features Chaincode pattern texture (Chain-code pattern texture features) are used as the basis songket search in the database or referred to as a texture-based songket pattern recognition which is part of a content-based image retrieval (CBIR). This method consists of two parts: the first is the process of establishing databases feature Chain-code pattern texture songket and training process of pattern recognition using backpropagation neural network (BPNN), the second is the retrieval process to recognize the pattern songket (songket pattern recognition and retrieval). The proposed method is a combination of several algorithms: color image segmentation, binarization, cropping, edge detection/pattern, feature extraction pattern (probability widened chain-code datasets) and BPNN training and test. Results of tests on 40 different songket motifs with training data showing the level of accuracy of the proposed method. Results of tests on 40 songket motifs show a good degree of accuracy of proposed method where the precision value reached 98% and recall value reached 99%.
International journal of simulation: systems, science and technology, Feb 3, 2019
We have the main characteristics of moving as walking, running, sitting, dancing, eating, drinkin... more We have the main characteristics of moving as walking, running, sitting, dancing, eating, drinking and other activities. The range-of-motion, ROM, is the maximum number of movements that can occur in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse type and consists of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, hyperextension and others. Decreased ROM can be the result of injury and the aging process and can lead to undesirable motion patterns. Feature extraction in motion analysis involve calculating a number of characteristic values independent of the size to produce the appropriate motion identification using the best method or algorithm during processing. Based on the data types obtained from the process of extracting properties collected using moment invariance, the results of identification based on ROM standard gave an accuracy of 98% using Back propagation Neural Network, 94% using Radial Basis Function Neural Network and 36% using K Means Clustering.
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)
The analysis of the performance of higher education academic quality in terms of student achievem... more The analysis of the performance of higher education academic quality in terms of student achievement, study period, and drop out rates is still an intensive study among researchers. Several clustering methods are often used to understand student and graduate groups, in influencing college performance. However, the conventional method has only arrived at the results of clustering, so it is difficult to interpret it as a support for academic decisions, especially in mapping the position of universities against other universities nationally. This article introduces a combination of techniques from self organizing map and technique for oorder preference by similarity to an ideal solution (SOM-SIS), an auto-summarizing technique from clustering results as well as mapping university academic performance. First, the academic performance indicators are grouped using the self organizing map (SOM) method and the results are concluded using the technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS) approach. The SOM-SIS technique was tested using data from one of the universities in Indonesia. As a result, the SOM-SIS technique has a 100% compatibility rate with the higher education quality assurance system, through recommendations from three university experts.
Computer Optics
Breast cancer is a leading cause of death in women due to cancer. According to WHO in 2018, it is... more Breast cancer is a leading cause of death in women due to cancer. According to WHO in 2018, it is estimated that 627.000 women died from breast cancer, that is approximately 15 % of all cancer deaths among women [3]. Early detection is a very important factor to reduce mortality by 25-30 %. Mammography is the most commonly used technique in detecting breast cancer using a low-dose X-ray system in the examination of breast tissue that can reduce false positives. A Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) system has been developed to effectively assist radiologists in detecting masses on mammograms that indicate the presence of breast tumors. The type of abnormality in mammogram images can be seen from the presence of microcalcifications and the presence of mass lesions. In this research, a new approach was developed to improve the performance of CAD System for classifying benign and malignant tumors. Areas suspected of being masses (RoI) in mammogram images were detected using an adaptive thre...
2020 Fifth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC)
This paper presents an analysis of the modeling of reactive power compensation using renewable en... more This paper presents an analysis of the modeling of reactive power compensation using renewable energy from sunlight through photovoltaic to eliminate harmonic signals in the electricity network with a three-phase active power system filter. Electric energy supply comes from three-phase electricity sources in the form of a sinusoid. Non-linear loads such as electronic devices and electrical equipment connected to the grid generate harmonics signals; can make the format of electrical energy distorted. This nonlinear load draws electric current in the form of non-sinusoid. This format increases Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), thereby worsening the performance of electrical equipment. An active power filter is a very effective method in reducing harmonics signals and increasing the quality performance of electricity. This power filter works by injecting compensation current into the grid. The energy that is injected comes from the direct current output voltage (DC) of the photovoltaic link stored in the capacitor via a Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) switch. The compensation current has the same format as the harmonics current but differs in 180°. The main parts of this power filter include the Reference Signal Generating Unit, PI Controller, VSI Switch Signal Ignition Gate Generator, Energy Storage Circuit (Battery), and Photovoltaic. Simulation modeling using Matlab Simulink Tools to reduce THD levels by IEEE 519 standards. Simulation results show a significant decrease in Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), where the grid before compensation contains THD of 29.74% and after injection of 2.25%. So this modeling is worth proposing as an active filter in a power system.
MATRIK : Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika dan Rekayasa Komputer
Traffic lights are generally used to regulate the control flow of traffic at an intersection from... more Traffic lights are generally used to regulate the control flow of traffic at an intersection from all directions, including a pelican crossing system with traffic signals for pedestrians. There are two facilities for walker crossing, namely using a pedestrian bridge and a zebra cross. In general, the traffic signals of the pelican crossing system are a fixed time, whereas other pedestrians need "green man" traffic lights with duration time arrangement. Our research proposes a prototype intelligent pelican crossing system for somebody who crosses the road at zebra crossings, but the risk of falling while crossing is not expected, especially in the elderly age group or pedestrians who are pregnant or carrying children. On the other hand, the problem is that the average step length or stride length (distance in centimeter), cadence or walking rate (in steps per minute), and the possibility of accidents are very high for pedestrians to make sure do crossing during the lights “...
2018 2nd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), 2018
The data security or information of any kind is essential to maintain its confidentiality. For th... more The data security or information of any kind is essential to maintain its confidentiality. For that reason, we need a system that can maintain the security of such information. DES (Data Encryption Standard) becomes one of the algorithms that can be used in data and information security system. In this paper, we propose to get the best DES algorithm to apply on System on Chip (SoC). The analysis was performed by comparing between the 16-round pipelines DES algorithms which is the general DES algorithm with the 8-round pipeline DES algorithm which is the result of efficiency. The analysis was done with VHDL (Verilog High Definition Language) design language model and synthesized using XC3ES500E Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The result of the average analysis of the overall resources required by each of the DES algorithms compared is that the 16-round DES requires an average of 21.2% of the resources, while the 8-round DES requires an average of only 9.7%. This shows that the 8-round DES pipeline algorithm is the best and efficient DES algorithm to apply on SoC as a data and information security system.
Currently the internet is becoming more important in many aspects of human life. The number of pe... more Currently the internet is becoming more important in many aspects of human life. The number of people who use the internet in daily activities is also increasing. The rapid growing of computer networks and the interconnection among them has entailed some security problems. There are a growing number of badintentioned people trying to take advantage of the security problems. In the manner of existence problem, then needed a certain warning system which can prevent or give warning for crime possibility in the web. This paper proposes a system design to protect system from intruders and develop warning system via short messages service.
The development of the Internet now more advanced. This is evidenced by the more the number of IS... more The development of the Internet now more advanced. This is evidenced by the more the number of ISP providers, of which limited to un- limited quota, as well as easy someone get Internet access in public places through a network hotspot. Therefore the security of an increasingly vulnerable web server. With the problem so needed a warning system that could prevent or warn against the crimes that may occur.
One of the technologies to convey information quickly, accurately and can reach all parts of the ... more One of the technologies to convey information quickly, accurately and can reach all parts of the world is a sms gateway. With the rapid development of technology, writers interested in writing an sms gateway application as a medium of information and communication media between the customer and the company. With this application, the Customer is expected to obtain information on all promotions, events, and other information more quickly, easily and accurately. And is also expected to help Customer relathionship management activities. Sms Application Gateway has four main menubar of files, SMS Gateway, customer, submit. For which there is a module on the menubar modules with different functions.
2017 Second International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 2017
The customer service is needed in not only companies but also in a university. The university usu... more The customer service is needed in not only companies but also in a university. The university usually have the customer service by phone number, such as Gunadarma University that gives the Media Information Centre's phone number to do the customer service task. The growth technologies encourage the customer service to have the improvement. This research is developing the speech intelligence conversation bot as an interactive media information, a customer service improvement. This speech intelligence conversation bot is not only having the ability to listen the user's question but also has the intelligence to understand the user's question and gives the right information related to that question. The ability to listen and speak with the user is implemented using speech recognition by Sphinx-4 while the ability to understand and find the related information is implemented by using the chatbot system with the modificated MegaHal style for developing it. The accuracy each ab...
IAIC Transactions on Sustainable Digital Innovation (ITSDI), 2021
One part of the tree, namely the leaves, which grow on the branches, has several types of leaves ... more One part of the tree, namely the leaves, which grow on the branches, has several types of leaves consisting of 4 shapes, ranging from circular shapes, elongated shapes, and some even have a finger shape. Often we mistake the shapes of these leaves. This study discusses the classification of leaves based the shape of the leaf bones using the Convolutional Neural Network, which is used to classify data that has been labeled using one of the methods, namely supervised learning. The purpose of this method is to classify a variable into the variables that have been listed. The goal is to classify leaves based on leaf shape to implement a Convolutional Neural Network algorithm model for leaf classification based on bone shape, which will produce an accuracy value. Accuracy values are obtained from conducting experiments at the training and trial stages. So it can be concluded using the epochs parameter of 30 and a batch size of 128, using ReLU and Softmax activations. The results obtained...
2017 Second International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 2017
This research aims to examine the factors influencing mobile marketing acceptance in three genera... more This research aims to examine the factors influencing mobile marketing acceptance in three generation cohorts in Jakarta, Indonesia, and to confirm the influence of risk acceptance and personal attachment as antecedent factors toward mobile marketing acceptance with the support of marketing-related mobile activities. This study employs Cronbach's alpha to test reliability and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to test the validity of the questionnaire. Furthermore, this study used simple and multiple regression analysis and mediating analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to examine whether there are any significant differences between three generation cohorts towards risk acceptance, personal attachment, and mobile marketing acceptance. The results show that risk acceptance and personal acceptance significantly affect mobile marketing-related activities, and mobile marketing-related activity has a significant influence toward mobile marketing acceptance. However, among all the variables, only mobile activity related to accessing content significantly mediates personal attachment to mobile marketing acceptance.
Papers by eri prasetyo wibowo