Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
Electronics engg
Longitudinal control of the vehicle evolved from Cruise Control (CC) to Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and now recently to Stop and Go (SNG). SNG is the most demanding functionality of the intelligent car. This feature allows the vehicle... more
A low noise amplifier is one of the most commonly used components in analog and digital circuit designs. Low voltage, low power and low noise amplifier design has become an increasingly interesting subject as many applications switch to... more
A tangent line to a function at a point is the line that best approximates the function at that point better than any other line.
Mobile phone can serve as powerful tool for worldwide communication. A system is developed to remotely monitor process through spoken commands using mobile. Mel cepstrum features are extracted from spoken words. Learning Vector... more
This paper describes the analysis of UWB interference on WiMax systems. Coexistence between these two systems is important due to unlicensed use of 3.1 to 10.6 GHz frequency band by UWB. The interference impact of UWB devices entirely... more
In modern short range wireless applications, RF, Bluetooth and UWB communication schemes are recommended with respect to power consumption, low/high data rates and location capability. Though special bandwidth is not allocated to UWB,... more
In microelectronics design, power consumption, speed of operation, are crucial constraints. Propagation delay of circuit component has an impact on such factors. Pipelining and parallel processing strategies are utilized for desirable... more
UWB (Ultra-wideband) radio is a fast emerging technology with uniquely attractive features inviting major advances in wireless communications, networking, radar, imaging, and positioning systems.UWB technology is advance technology for... more
Floating point division plays a vital role in quick processing applications. A division is one amongst the complicated modules needed in processors. Area, delay and power consumption are the main factors that play a significant role once... more
Primary mode of communication is speech by which information can transfer. But hearing-impaired people are not able to communicate with the world. In this paper, low cost prototype model is developed to bridge communication gap for... more
A novel CMOS four quadrant Analog multiplier in voltage mode configuration is designed and simulation. The results are analyzed using CMOS 180nm technology. The input voltage is applied to bulk terminal MOS to make it operate in... more
Insects are closely related to human existence and well-being in both senses. Flying insects are frequently used as vectors for the spread of diseases and cause serious harm to people as well as agricultural productivity over most of the... more
This dissertation is dedicated to my God Jesus Christ on behalf of His grace and sufficient provision for all that I needed to complete this master's degree .Secondly to my dear Wife MICOMYIZA Aimée, thank you for your vast love,... more