1,532 Books
See allI quite enjoyed this, but I can see it wouldn't be for everyone.
If you are at all geeky then the sideplot of the network building from trash into some socialist utopian ideal of how everyone should get the internet fix will entertain. The main plot about the only seemingly normal(ish) member of a family who've left home is well, quite odd. His father is a mountain and his mother is a washing machine. One of his brothers is a psychic, one is an island and three others are like Russian dolls fitting inside each other. The last one is a psychopath who has already been killed once.
Writing that down it seems even more weird than it actually is but there go.
Really quite surprising, a touching western that isn't full of cliches and is quite brilliantly written.
Some of the twists were a little predictable, but I still immensely enjoyed this Coben. Would of liked to seen more from his Russian ‘uncle' but it wasn't to be, perhaps he will feature in his own story sometime? Loren Muse has been in a few now, so can she have her own series or at least a headline act.
Not as dire as some of the reviews would have you believe, but it's still nowhere near Cobens best