About Harris

My name is Harris Foster and I love video games. I currently live in Austin, Texas.

I started working with the gaming industry at a young age. As early as the 7th grade, I was already talking to editors at IGN.com and working with others to create and promote video game projects. At around the same time, I helped write and appeared in an advertisement for G4TV (Which I’m still trying to find an archive of). As I got into high school, I developed a fondness for gaming conventions. Beginning my sophomore year of high school, I attended as many conventions as I could, including South by Southwest, Sundance, and all of the PAX conventions in the United States, as well as getting 3rd place in the first ever PAX South Omegathon. My high school years also introduced me to the love of writing about games, where I wrote several pieces including a contest winning essay that was featured on the Playstation.Blog about one of my favorite games, Journey. You can check this piece out on my Portfolio.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my bio. If you’d like to chat or have any questions, my email is Email@HarrisFoster.com

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