Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Bees"
The meaning of "Bees" in various phrases and sentences
What does The Bees knees mean?
It refers to something great or excellent. It sounds rather old-fashioned.
What does Bees are endowed with the ability ≈ Bees are given with the ability ? mean?
"endowment" is a "gift", especially a natural gift one is born with
endowed with, means given a natural gift.
语法结构: X is endowed with Y
语法结构:"X has/have been given the ability to [do]"
严格意义上, "endow"一般是指通过自然过程,天赐。
endowed with, means given a natural gift.
语法结构: X is endowed with Y
语法结构:"X has/have been given the ability to [do]"
严格意义上, "endow"一般是指通过自然过程,天赐。
Synonyms of "Bees" and their differences
What is the difference between Bees make honey in the hives. and Bees make honey in hives. ?
Hives are rashes from an allergic reaction. I would say:
Bees make honey in their/the hive.
The second one can be interpreted that bees make honey in the rashes that are caused by the allergic reaction.
I prefer to err on the side of caution and choose wording that is less ambiguous.
I hope I have been of help to you.
Bees make honey in their/the hive.
The second one can be interpreted that bees make honey in the rashes that are caused by the allergic reaction.
I prefer to err on the side of caution and choose wording that is less ambiguous.
I hope I have been of help to you.
What is the difference between Bees help bring us some of our favorite foods. and Bees help us bring some of our favorite foods. ?
"Bees help us bring some of our favorite foods" implies we are bringing our food somewhere, and the bees merely assist us. This sounds awkward and incomplete.
"Bees help bring some of our favorite foods" is likely more correct. Bees are part of the system that brings (forth from the earth) our food. However, this still sounds a bit odd out of context. "Bees help create some of our favorite foods" sounds more natural, but that could depend on context. "Bring forth" would work, too, but that sounds archaic.
"Bees help bring some of our favorite foods" is likely more correct. Bees are part of the system that brings (forth from the earth) our food. However, this still sounds a bit odd out of context. "Bees help create some of our favorite foods" sounds more natural, but that could depend on context. "Bring forth" would work, too, but that sounds archaic.
What is the difference between Bees are among the most fascinating creatures in nature, and Bees are one of the most fascinating creatures in nature, ?
They both mean the same thing but "among" would probably be seen as more formal.
Other questions about "Bees"
Bees are unable to tell apart between the colors red and black.
I'm okay that this sentence is unnatural, but I want you to say something if grammer is incorrect.
💐🌺🌻⚘ Does this sound natural?
I'm okay that this sentence is unnatural, but I want you to say something if grammer is incorrect.
💐🌺🌻⚘ Does this sound natural?
put the object(s) of the sentence between "tell" and "apart", like "how do you tell Bella and Daisy apart"
hope that helps 🙂
hope that helps 🙂
It (Bees) gets pollen to take home. What does this sentence mean?
It is talking about the process of bees 🐝 flying to flowers 💐. It the flower, bees collect pollen to bring back to the beehive. Pollen, along with nectar, is the primary source of food for bees.
Bees can be extremely dangerous when attacked. Does this sound natural?
Check the question to view the answer
"Bees are humming outside." Does it sound natural?
Sounds like a nice poem
Bees live in a beehive Does this sound natural?
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