Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Descent"
Example sentences using "Descent"
Please show me example sentences with Descent.
There are a few different ways this can be used.
"The descent into the cavern was perilous."
"The society had undergone a slow descent into chaos."
"The family had lived in the UK for years but were of Polish descent."
"The descent into the cavern was perilous."
"The society had undergone a slow descent into chaos."
"The family had lived in the UK for years but were of Polish descent."
Please show me example sentences with Descent.
Apples descented down to the earthy ground after the trees decided they no longer wanted them.
He descented from the top of his horse.
He descented from the top of his horse.
Other questions about "Descent"
Decent is so similar to Descent.
What should I do to memorize 'em?
What should I do to memorize 'em?
I can't really think of any rule for this. This just comes down to practice and repeating it over. Sorry
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