Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Hotaru"
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- How do you say this in English (US)? 桌角
- This is a question about comparatives. If someone says "A is bigger than B" for "A is more big...
- If it 【will】 storm tomorrow, I'll prepare an emergency kit, but if not, I won't. ↑ Is it okay t...
- In my textbook, I came across the sentence "Eventually, I want to open shogi classrooms worldwid...
- Is there a meaning of “Mai-(noun)”? I found it in a fantasy fiction, not sure if it’s just a new-...
Topic Questions
- I don't understand the next question, could you please give me some advice? For each of the bl...
- How do you say this in English (US)? How to say?
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- What is the difference between I studied a new word. and I learned a new word. ?
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