Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Lg"

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Q: 1. I’ve been working for LG for 12 years.
2. I have expertise in the executive HR and designing organization.
3. I have 15 years of work experience in the HR field.
4. I’m capable of handling a variety of HR issues.
5. I’m skilled in communicating with people.
6. I gained proficiency with excel and powerpoint at my job.
7. The company sent me here as part of a training program.
So they're sponsoring all my tuition fee and cost of living.
Instead, I have to go back to work in two years and I can't move to another company for 5
years. To move to another company, I have to return all the tuition and living costs that I
8. I’m slow at understanding something. I’m not ashamed of my lack of ability.
9. I am interested in various things, but I get easily bored with things.
10. I’m a little bit outspoken about work related issues.
11. I don’t have any trouble with my colleagues. They’re really fond of me. I tend to be
patient with people or work. Does this sound natural?
A: × 10. I’m a little bit outspoken about work related issues.
✓ 10. I’m a bit outspoken about work related issues.

× patient with people or work.
✓ patient with people and work.

× 7. The company sent me here as part of a training program.
✓ 7. The company sent me here as part of a training program,

× So they're sponsoring all my tuition fee and cost of living.
✓ so they're sponsoring my tuition fee and cost of living.

× Instead, I have to go back to work in two years and I can't move to another company for 5
✓ Because of this I have to go back to work in two years and I can't move to another company for five.

× years.
✓ (Since you already said that the number referred to "years", you don't need to say it again)

× To move to another company, I have to return all the tuition and living costs that I
✓ If I wanted to move to another company, I would have to refund all the tuition and living costs.

× received.

× 8. I’m slow at understanding something.
✓ 8. I’m a slow learner but

× I’m not ashamed of my lack of ability.
✓ I’m not ashamed of it.

× 9. I am interested in various things, but I get easily bored with things.
✓ 9. I am interested in various things, but I easily get bored.

Most of my corrections were simply to help it sound a little more concise and therefore more natural.

As for this sentence, "Instead, I have to go back to work for two years, and I can't move to another company for five." I'm a little confused.🤔
When you say, "I have to go back to work" it sounds like you don't currently work there, but you will return there in two years in the future, is this what you mean?
Or do you mean you must work there for two years or else you will have to pay for everything?

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