Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Sendai"

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Q: I traveled to Sendai(Japanese city) with my son during 8th to 9th this month. The primary objective was to eat GYUTAN(a famous Japanese food cooked with cow's tongue).
We found a good restaurant offering GYUTAN on the internet and went there. There was a que in front of the restaurant and we waited for about thirty minites. The dishes were extremely tasty and beyond our expectation. It deserved waiting for half an hour.
The famous festival "Tanabata matsuri" meaning the star festival had been held during our stay. But unfortunately it rained heavily, we could not enjoy it very much. Instead of that, we went to "Onsen"(hot spring) and spent a relax time.
Although the weather was not good, we could have a wonderful time in Sendai. Of course, we remembered to buy some souvenirs to rest of my family. Does this sound natural?

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