Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Wyo"
The meaning of "Wyo" in various phrases and sentences
What does Wyo or wyoming ? mean?
Wyoming is the name of a state in the United States.
What does Wyo mean?
It could be an abbreviation for the state of Wyoming. If you see on the internet or social media. It’s what said
Grazie, you taught me something new today 👍
Grazie, you taught me something new today 👍
What does Wyo mean?
wyo = what you on
It means 'what are you on right now?'. The person asking this question is implying that the other person must be on some sort of drug.
It means 'what are you on right now?'. The person asking this question is implying that the other person must be on some sort of drug.
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