Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Airline"
The meaning of "Airline" in various phrases and sentences
What does The airline gave the new plane a thorough tryout before making a decision. mean?
They tested the new plane a lot before deciding... (to buy it, maybe?)
'Tryout' usually means they tried it, yes? So not just tests on the ground. They actually flew it a lot as well.
'Tryout' usually means they tried it, yes? So not just tests on the ground. They actually flew it a lot as well.
What does It spoiled her for other airlines. mean?
"It spoiled her for other airlines means" - It's American Slang for "She was so happy with Pan American flights that she didn't want to fly or try any other airlines."
- When a person is spoiled, they're pampered by having been given everything they want.
Adjective: spoiled
1. Having the character or disposition harmed by pampering or oversolicitous attention
Ex: "A spoiled child"
- When a person is spoiled, they're pampered by having been given everything they want.
Adjective: spoiled
1. Having the character or disposition harmed by pampering or oversolicitous attention
Ex: "A spoiled child"
What does the remaining airline miles mean?
The amount of miles that you can travel. For example it may be available on an airline credit card.
The amount of miles that you can travel. For example it may be available on an airline credit card.
Example sentences using "Airline"
Please show me example sentences with It’s much cheaper with that airline, ________ I’ll get all the tickets for us with them. *
A. or
B. so
C. and
D. but.
A. or
B. so
C. and
D. but.
Synonyms of "Airline" and their differences
What is the difference between There is even one airline that makes passengers pay to use the toilet. and There is one airline that makes passengers pay even to use the toilet. ?
“There is even one airline that makes passengers pay to use the toilet” - when listing airlines, one of them makes you pay for the toilet
“There is one airline that makes passengers pay to even use the toilet” - there are many things wrong with this specific airline but the worst is that they make you pay for the toilet
“There is one airline that makes passengers pay to even use the toilet” - there are many things wrong with this specific airline but the worst is that they make you pay for the toilet
What is the difference between regional airline and domesticl airline ?
A domestic airline only flies within a single country. (Though, there may be rare exceptions in their schedule.) It may fly around the whole of that country.
A regional airline usually only flies in part of a country. E.g. in a single state of the US, or maybe only in Scotland or Hokkaido.
This makes more sense in larger countries such as the USA.
A regional airline usually only flies in part of a country. E.g. in a single state of the US, or maybe only in Scotland or Hokkaido.
This makes more sense in larger countries such as the USA.
What is the difference between airline and airway ?
airline is transportation, but airway is breath
What is the difference between airline and airliner ?
airline = company.
airliner = plane.
airliner = plane.
Translations of "Airline"
How do you say this in English (US)? I got an airline magazine which has descriptions and pictures of major airlines all of the world on a flea market site which was published a year ago. And I sometimes watch English announcements at the airports or on the plane, it’s hard to catch up tho.
Oh, I’m embarrassed. I often start sentence with “And...”.
Thank you for correcting!
Thank you for correcting!
How do you say this in English (US)? transnational airlines (tenho um pouco de dificuldade na pronúncia)
transnational airlines
How do you say this in English (US)? 航空公司 (airline or airlines)
Other questions about "Airline"
Did you ask the airlines company about refund? It is to the airlines company, not travel agency. Does this sound natural?
Did you ask the airline about a refund? The airline is responsible, not the travel agency.
i say "do you already buy an airline ticket for america"
reply "of course.
i already get a ticket from a week ago" Does this sound natural?
reply "of course.
i already get a ticket from a week ago" Does this sound natural?
“Did you already buy your plane ticket to America?”
“Of course, I bought it a week ago.”
“Of course, I bought it a week ago.”
Which airline company do you work? Does this sound natural?
Use 'which airline company do you work at. '
The airline counter is located on the main terminal. Does this sound natural?
The reception counter is located at the main hall terminal
It is really difficult to get in an airline companies since the openings are taken really quickly. That's the job everyone would die for!
Does this sound natural?
Does this sound natural?
"It's really difficult to get in with an airline company, since the openings are taken really quickly. That's the job everyone would die for!"
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