Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Aloofness"
Example sentences using "Aloofness"
Please show me example sentences with aloofness.
I was very annoyed by the aloofness of the shop assistant. She didn’t want to engage with me and scarcely bothered to look at me.
His aloofness comes from the fact that he is shy and is afraid of making friends.
His aloofness comes from the fact that he is shy and is afraid of making friends.
Synonyms of "Aloofness" and their differences
What is the difference between aloofness and apathy ?
Aloofness is appearing like you don't care about anything, and being emotionally distant.
Someone can be aloof, but secretly care a lot on the inside.
Apathy is truly not caring about anything.
Someone can be aloof, but secretly care a lot on the inside.
Apathy is truly not caring about anything.
What is the difference between aloofness and apathy ?
apathy is when you don't care while aloofness is when you appear distant socially/emotionally, but this may not actually be the case
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