Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Asset"
The meaning of "Asset" in various phrases and sentences
What does A : -The fastest asset management in the West. -The man who shot Liberty Mutual.
A explain to someone that the man(A's husband) has given up comfort life for farm life.
but can't figure out what's the meaning of 'fastest', 'shot Liberty Mutual' in this. mean?
A explain to someone that the man(A's husband) has given up comfort life for farm life.
but can't figure out what's the meaning of 'fastest', 'shot Liberty Mutual' in this. mean?
“Fastest asset management” meaning they do their job the fastest (빨리), most efficient (효율적으로). They manage assets quickly and effectively.
The second thing “shot liberty mutual” is actually hard to understand without context even for a native speaker.
Either it’s literal:
Somebody literally shot “Liberty Mutual” with a gun
Or it’s figurative/poetic:
Somebody made “Liberty Mutual” fail, somebody ruined “Liberty Mutual”
The second thing “shot liberty mutual” is actually hard to understand without context even for a native speaker.
Either it’s literal:
Somebody literally shot “Liberty Mutual” with a gun
Or it’s figurative/poetic:
Somebody made “Liberty Mutual” fail, somebody ruined “Liberty Mutual”
What does asset mean?
It's a term not only for just business, you can use it for any item as far as I know. Your phone has its assets, an item you obtained in a game has its assets. But it is of course used a lot in business to set the item they sell apart from others and attract customers.
What does asset mean?
a person or thing that is valuable or useful to somebody/something
What does asset mean?
1) ценное, полезное качество
The high character which the corps has won is in itself a valuable asset. — Боевой дух, который приобрели войска, сам по себе является ценным качеством.
2) (assets) эк. имущество, фонды, активы
3) (assets) юр. имущество несостоятельного должника, имущество обанкротившейся фирмы
4) (assets) фин. актив(ы); авуары
current assets — текущий капитал
frozen assets — замороженные активы
to realize / unfreeze assets — разморозить активы
1) ценное, полезное качество
The high character which the corps has won is in itself a valuable asset. — Боевой дух, который приобрели войска, сам по себе является ценным качеством.
2) (assets) эк. имущество, фонды, активы
3) (assets) юр. имущество несостоятельного должника, имущество обанкротившейся фирмы
4) (assets) фин. актив(ы); авуары
current assets — текущий капитал
frozen assets — замороженные активы
to realize / unfreeze assets — разморозить активы
What does Increasing seen as an economic asset as well as a sound principle mean?
It means that something is continually being recognized as something that is good for the economy and also something that is tree.
Example sentences using "Asset"
Please show me example sentences with asset.
To the model, her face was her most valuable asset.
He has become an asset to the company since he is the only one that can use the computer.
He has become an asset to the company since he is the only one that can use the computer.
Please show me example sentences with asset.
You’re a vital asset and the director knows it.
These constitute the main asset of the government.
A good home trade connection is considered an extremely valuable asset, and as the trade is highly differentiated the profits are usually good.
You’re a vital asset and the director knows it.
These constitute the main asset of the government.
A good home trade connection is considered an extremely valuable asset, and as the trade is highly differentiated the profits are usually good.
Please show me example sentences with asset.
my house is an asset. asset son cosas que tiene valor y son tullas.
Please show me example sentences with asset.
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Please show me example sentences with asset.
The football player's best asset is his pace.
You're a huge asset to this company.
You're a huge asset to this company.
Synonyms of "Asset" and their differences
What is the difference between asset and property ?
While property and assets are related, they are not the same thing. Property is a broader term that encompasses all types of ownership, while assets are a specific type of property that can be used to generate income or increase wealth
What is the difference between asset and capital ?
aren't they the same? To me, capital and asset are both talking about someone's wealth through building, money, land, etc....
What is the difference between qualifying asset and qualified asset ?
They would be understood to be the same thing, but 'qualifying' is the correct term.
'Qualified' implies the act of qualifying was done in the past. I qualified for the race.
'Qualifying' is the adjective that is applied to how you qualified. My qualifying time was 5:32.
This relationship holds true in your finance example as well.
I qualified (met the conditions) for a certain activity.
The reason I qualified (my qualifying asset) is stock XXX.
'Qualified' implies the act of qualifying was done in the past. I qualified for the race.
'Qualifying' is the adjective that is applied to how you qualified. My qualifying time was 5:32.
This relationship holds true in your finance example as well.
I qualified (met the conditions) for a certain activity.
The reason I qualified (my qualifying asset) is stock XXX.
What is the difference between asset and property ?
Property is something you own. It doesn't matter whether it has value or no value, it's your property. An asset is something you have that has value.
"Liquidating assets" means to turn your property that has value into cash/ money.
"Liquidating assets" means to turn your property that has value into cash/ money.
Translations of "Asset"
How do you say this in English (US)? ジュラシックワールドでクレアがベンツ乗っている時に(We have an asset out of contaiment.)って言っているシーンがあった。
@SerenityFlores Thank you.😊😊
How do you say this in English (US)? 나는 카메라로 찍히는 지폐가 asset file에 있는 지폐이미지들과 같은지 아닌지 비교하고 싶습니다
I would like to compare whether the bills taken by the camera are the same as the bill images in the asset file. Is this correct?
How do you say this in English (UK)? how would you be an asset to the company
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How do you say this in English (US)? 身体的健康也是很重要 它是我们的 asset
The health of the body is also very important to us
Other questions about "Asset"
as the digital asset ecosystem continues to grow, so too does our list of assets under consideration.
i don't understand "so too~~~" well. help
i don't understand "so too~~~" well. help
so too here means ‘also’ or ‘as well as’
as the digital asset ecosystem continues to grow, our list of assets under consideration continues to grow as well
as the digital asset ecosystem continues to grow, our list of assets under consideration continues to grow as well
I'm pretty sure that you're an asset to our company. Everyone gives you credit for your attentive support. Does this sound natural?
× I'm pretty sure that you're an asset to our company.
✓ I'm pretty sure you're an asset to our company.
If you want to reassure the person, then “I’m pretty sure” should be “I guarantee”
“I’m pretty sure” sounds like you’re not sure if he really is an asset. Like there’s that hesitant tone.
✓ I'm pretty sure you're an asset to our company.
If you want to reassure the person, then “I’m pretty sure” should be “I guarantee”
“I’m pretty sure” sounds like you’re not sure if he really is an asset. Like there’s that hesitant tone.
What does "asset forfeiture" mean?
The border emergency declaration, which Mr. Trump signed later in the day, enables Mr. Trump to divert $3.6 billion budgeted for military construction projects to the border wall, White House officials said. Mr. Trump will also use more traditional presidential budgetary discretion to tap $2.5 billion from counternarcotics programs and $600 million from a Treasury Department asset forfeiture fund.
The border emergency declaration, which Mr. Trump signed later in the day, enables Mr. Trump to divert $3.6 billion budgeted for military construction projects to the border wall, White House officials said. Mr. Trump will also use more traditional presidential budgetary discretion to tap $2.5 billion from counternarcotics programs and $600 million from a Treasury Department asset forfeiture fund.
Asset forfeiture means money (assets) that was used during the commission of a crime being taken by the government (forfeiture) and used hopefully to fix the results of the crime.
It also led to asset bubbles with rapidly rising prices, which caused the onset of the global financial crisis. Does this sound natural?
It seems that asset market bubbles occur when prices rise so sharply they are likely to cause a collapse in the market. Since this is the case, I don't think you need to explain in the same sentence that asset bubbles include rapidly rising prices because the meaning is in the definition - it would be correct to just say "it also led to asset market bubbles which then caused the onset of the global financial crisis".
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