Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Challenge"
The meaning of "Challenge" in various phrases and sentences
What does "the challenges are even greater because they must tanckle them largely on their own." ? mean?
Example sentences using "Challenge"
Please show me example sentences with challenge.
Synonyms of "Challenge" and their differences
What is the difference between challenge of and challenge to ?
What is the difference between challenge and try ?
What is the difference between He focuses on the challenge. and He is focused on the challenge. ?
What is the difference between challenge and dare ?
Translations of "Challenge"
How do you say this in English (US)? [[ Is it correct to say ( by challenge you do the impossible) ? ]]
Other questions about "Challenge"
"Actually, the biggest challenge for English to me is that I lack of topic I talk to a native speaker. Maybe it's other things, but everytime I get chance to talk to them I just freeze trying to think about what I say next." Does this sound natural?
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