Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Cried"

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Q: Many Japanese cried in front of their radio receivers in August 1945 when Emperor Hirohito spoke his people over the radio that he had come to the conclusion that Japan had no choice but to accept the offer of surrender from the United States and its allies. They finally knew they lost. On the other hand, most Japanese were relieved that the years-long war was declared finally over and, more importantly, that they had survived. Occupation forces, led by U.S. troops, landed in Japan. To their annoyance, contrary to their fears, they met no resistance. The Japanese were not only relieved that they had survived, they also felt guilty for those who had died in the great war they called "Jihad." That ambivalenct feeling had the Japanese people loose the negative feeling against the occupation force. Some saw it more as a liberating force. It was perhaps because they subconsciously wanted to see that it came to Japan to absolve the survivors' guilt of them.

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