Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Decision"

The meaning of "Decision" in various phrases and sentences

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Q: is this correct?

if I hadn't had taken that decision

A: Estoy de acuerdo, I think this is a really confusing part of English grammar, and English speakers are probably going to say this incorrectly as well (but people will generally still understand).

By the way, I also think that this sounds okay:
If I had not made that decision.

It means basically the same thing, but it feels a little different to me...for me, the first way I said it flows better. I'm not sure if they are both grammatically correct, but I believe you will hear people say both ways. (However, "If I hadn't made that decision" sounds wrong to me.)

Unfortunately, I'm not a grammar teacher or anything, and I don't know WHY this sounds correct to my ear. But I'll try to explain my thoughts :)

If we convert "hadn't" back into "had not", the full sentence is:
If I had not have made that decision.

The verb "hadn't", which is the same as "had not", indicates that the subject did NOT do something in the past. Then, the word "have" goes with "made". The phrase "have made" means that something was made in the past.

Also, many English native speakers themselves don't get this right all the time. And, a lot of people mispronounce "have" as "of". So, they say it like this:
If I hadn't of made that decision.

This is technically incorrect, but it's very common to hear.

Summary: I think you can say any of these, all of which you might hear native English speakers use:
If I hadn't have made that decision.
If I had not have made that decision.
If I had not made that decision.
If I hadn't of made that decision.

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