Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Decision"
The meaning of "Decision" in various phrases and sentences
What does Every decision depends on what people tend to think about it. mean?
Example sentences using "Decision"
Please show me example sentences with decision.
Please show me example sentences with decision making.
Synonyms of "Decision" and their differences
What is the difference between go back on a decision and regret a decision ?
Translations of "Decision"
How do you say this in English (US)? which one is correct ? 1. since an important decision must be made prompt 2. since an important decision must be made promptly
Other questions about "Decision"
"Do you object to our decision?"
I saw this example sentence in a dictionary, but I can't find it on the Internet. Do you still say it today?
I saw this example sentence in a dictionary, but I can't find it on the Internet. Do you still say it today?
is this correct?
if I hadn't had taken that decision
if I hadn't had taken that decision
I think my decision to quit my previous company was correct. I worked in the same industry for years. I occasionally should argue with the logistics team. Because they always didn't want to work. But my current job doesn't have its own logistics team. They use 3rd party logistic company, so I don't need to argue with the team anymore. It makes my work better productive. I don't need to waste my time in stupid arguments in my current job. Does this sound natural?
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