Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Devo"
Translations of "Devo"
How do you say this in English (UK)? No devo ancora leggerlo, però è proprio questo il problema. Non è detto che da accanito lettore di romanzi, lo sono anche di fumetti e sono costretto a leggerli per ricoprire le domande lasciate aperte della storia originale.
No, l still have to read it, but this is really the problem. It doesn't mean that just because l'm an avid reader of novels that l am also one of comics. In fact, l am forced to read them to fill in the questions left open in the original story.
No, l still have to read it, but this is really the problem. It doesn't mean that just because l'm an avid reader of novels that l am also one of comics. In fact, l am forced to read them to fill in the questions left open in the original story.
How do you say this in English (UK)? devo fare i compiti
I must do MY homework
How do you say this in English (US)? devo andare a camminare
i have to go for a walk
How do you say this in English (UK)? devo andare via
I have to leave.
I must go.
I must go.
How do you say this in English (UK)? Giovedì devo andare in ospedale per una tac alla parte superiore del viso?
l have to go to hospital on Thursday for a CT scan to the upper part of the face
l have to go to hospital on Thursday for a CT scan to the upper part of the face
Other questions about "Devo"
Come devo dire, se descrivendo una foto (in inglese) voglio dire: “Uno di loro” (riferendomi a una persona)
“One of them” (referring to a person)
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