Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Float"

The meaning of "Float" in various phrases and sentences

Q: What does floats mean?
A: The principal meaning of float as either a noun or verb, involves the idea of something buoyant on the surface of a liquid, including the idea of that thing drifting gently across the surface. Good examples of this would be a boat or raft floating down a river, or to describe fluffy white clouds floating across the summer sky. These concepts of floats or floating are also applied in numerous other situations that share similar characteristics.

In a parade, such as an annual Santa Claus Parade, in addition to people walking in the parade, there are normally themed, decorated vehicles (for example with children dressed as elves making toys for Christmas). These vehicles are called floats. Often they have "skirts" around them hiding the vehicle and wheels, giving the impression of boats floating at a slow walking pace down a river.

A plane that can land on water is called a float plane, and has buoyant floats to permit this.

As a child I used to enjoy a "coke float", a glass of coca cola with a scoop of vanilla ice cream floating on top.

He floated the idea of taking a holiday in Italy to celebrate their anniversary, wondering if his wife would be interested. If not, she would sink the idea.

Many countries float their currencies in relation to the US Dollar. Rather than trying to maintain an exchange rate through fiscal means, they allow the rate to be controlled by supply and demand.

When fishing, a float is often used to control the depth of the fish hook and bait.

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