Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Fluid"

Example sentences using "Fluid"

Q: Please show me example sentences with fluid.
A: The FLUID leaked and got all over everything in my backpack.

His dance moves are so FLUID.

He speaks with a FLUID train of thought.

The FLUID looks blue.

The doctor said that the xray shows that his patient has FLUID on the brain.

If you don't want to get sick, then make sure that you don't let anybody else's bodily FLUID get onto you.

This is a video of me playing with non-Newtonian FLUID. 😂 The FLUID is called "oobleck". Walking on obleck is great fun. It was hard to get my feed out of it!

Have you ever heard of the "taillight shark"? (Euprotomicroides zantedeschia) They are they called "taillight" sharks because they emit a bright blue cloud of FLUID behind them from a pouch-like organ. What?! So cool!! Sadly these are rare & understudied sharks.

Baby girl looks good and healthy! The next two appointments (16 & 19 weeks) are really the most important because they’ll tell us if her FLUID levels are okay. Thank you all so much for the prayers and love.

If the backstroke is a problem the next best thing is to get to the vertical L. Its not as FLUID but it’s better then losing velocity from an unnatural motion. I attempted it, but it ain’t happening.

One cigarette butt burns down 5000 acres in a forest fire, and I can’t get a charcoal grill started with gas, matches, lighter FLUID and a flame thrower.

A detailed guide on FLUID simulation.

Plastic bronchitis is a lymphatic flow disorder that causes severe respiratory issues. Lymph FLUID builds in the airways and forms rubbery or caulk-like plugs (known as casts).
This cast was coughed up by a 4 year old who was suffering from pneumonia.

A viscoelastic FLUID can pour itself, known as the open channel siphon effect.

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