Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Foreigner"
The meaning of "Foreigner" in various phrases and sentences
What does foreigner mean?
Someone who comes from another country to visit
What does Some foreigners say that the Chinese have traditionally handled succession abysmally. mean?
The sentence is basically saying that foreigners think that China hasn't handled succession that well
What does 나: 나랑 만나는거 싫어??
foreigner: nono
이때 nono는 싫다는거에요?좋다는거에요?헷갈려요ㅜ mean?
foreigner: nono
이때 nono는 싫다는거에요?좋다는거에요?헷갈려요ㅜ mean?
이때 nono는 만나는 거 좋고 mjkjmp님과 만나고 싶은 듯이에요!
*한국어 잘 못해서 이해가 안되고 그건 말이 안되면 진짜로 죄송해요!ㅠ*
*한국어 잘 못해서 이해가 안되고 그건 말이 안되면 진짜로 죄송해요!ㅠ*
What does foreigners were booked without arrest. "be booked"??? mean?
Booked refers to the recording of an arrested person's name, age, address, and reason for arrest when that person is brought to jail and placed behind bars.
What does "foreigners" mean?
People that do not come from the place they are in.
People from another country
People from another country
Example sentences using "Foreigner"
Please show me example sentences with I love to learn foreigners languages..
I love learning foreign languages in my free time.
Please show me example sentences with foreigner.
The man is a foreigner in Sweden but he blends in very well.
Please show me example sentences with foreign or foreigners.
Foreign- I am going to be learning Portuguese next summer, it seems like a very nice foreign language.
Foreigners- I could tell the taxi driver was a foreigner just by the way he talked.
Foreign is usually used when speaking out non human things from different countries, and foreigner is what you say to call someone from a different countru
Foreigners- I could tell the taxi driver was a foreigner just by the way he talked.
Foreign is usually used when speaking out non human things from different countries, and foreigner is what you say to call someone from a different countru
Please show me example sentences with foreigner.
I can tell by your accent that you're a foreigner.
Synonyms of "Foreigner" and their differences
What is the difference between For the foreigner who speaks another language, your pronounciation and accent are very easy to hear and For a foreigner who speaks another language, your pronounciation and accent are very easy to hear” and For foreigners who speaks another language, your pronounciation and accent are very easy to hear” ?
1. "For the foreigner who speaks another language, your pronunciation and accent are very easy to hear."
This sentence refers to a specific foreigner who speaks another language. The definite article "the" is used, indicating that there is a particular foreigner in mind. The verb form "speaks" agrees with the singular noun "foreigner."
2. "For a foreigner who speaks another language, your pronunciation and accent are very easy to hear."
This sentence refers to any foreigner who speaks another language. The indefinite article "a" is used, indicating that the sentence is not referring to a specific individual, but rather to foreigners in general. The verb form "speaks" agrees with the singular noun "foreigner."
3. "For foreigners who speak another language, your pronunciation and accent are very easy to hear."
This sentence refers to multiple foreigners who speak another language. The plural form "foreigners" is used, indicating that the sentence is addressing a group of individuals. The verb form "speak" agrees with the plural noun "foreigners."
This sentence refers to a specific foreigner who speaks another language. The definite article "the" is used, indicating that there is a particular foreigner in mind. The verb form "speaks" agrees with the singular noun "foreigner."
2. "For a foreigner who speaks another language, your pronunciation and accent are very easy to hear."
This sentence refers to any foreigner who speaks another language. The indefinite article "a" is used, indicating that the sentence is not referring to a specific individual, but rather to foreigners in general. The verb form "speaks" agrees with the singular noun "foreigner."
3. "For foreigners who speak another language, your pronunciation and accent are very easy to hear."
This sentence refers to multiple foreigners who speak another language. The plural form "foreigners" is used, indicating that the sentence is addressing a group of individuals. The verb form "speak" agrees with the plural noun "foreigners."
What is the difference between The foreigner spoke to me in Arabic, "which" language I couldn't understand. and The foreigner spoke to me in Arabic, "whose" language I couldn't understand. ?
Neither of the sentences are natural. You can't use "which" or "whose" in this way. I would write them as:
"The foreigner, whose language I did not understand, spoke to me in Arabic."
"The foreigner, whose language I did not understand, was speaking to me in Arabic."
"The foreigner spoke to me in Arabic, a language which I did not understand."
"The foreigner spoke to me in Arabic, a language I did not understand."
"The foreigner spoke to me in Arabic, a language that I did not understand."
"The foreigner, whose language I did not understand, spoke to me in Arabic."
"The foreigner, whose language I did not understand, was speaking to me in Arabic."
"The foreigner spoke to me in Arabic, a language which I did not understand."
"The foreigner spoke to me in Arabic, a language I did not understand."
"The foreigner spoke to me in Arabic, a language that I did not understand."
What is the difference between some foreigners and foreigners ?
it depends on the whole sentence / context.
But I'll try:
if you say FOREIGNERS belive that English is difficult: you are saying ALL PEOPLE FROM OTHER PLACES think this way.
if you say SOME foreigners... that means that NOT EVERYONE feels that way.
But I'll try:
if you say FOREIGNERS belive that English is difficult: you are saying ALL PEOPLE FROM OTHER PLACES think this way.
if you say SOME foreigners... that means that NOT EVERYONE feels that way.
What is the difference between foreigners and foreign people ?
There's technically no difference. But I'd rather use "foreign people" with people I don't personally know and "foreigners" with people from other countries.
What is the difference between I want to talk to a foreigner who can respect people. and I want to talk to a foreigner who can show their respects to people. and I want to talk to a foreigner who can pay respects to people. ?
"to pay one's respects" has two meanings:
1) to visit somebody in order to meet or talk to them
2) to mourn a person who died by going to their funeral
If you just mean "to be nice to someone", then the first one is best.
1) to visit somebody in order to meet or talk to them
2) to mourn a person who died by going to their funeral
If you just mean "to be nice to someone", then the first one is best.
Translations of "Foreigner"
How do you say this in English (US)? “I bumped into a foreigner earlier , I found myself couldn’t speak a sentence in English” . plz correct me
I bumped into a foreigner earlier, I couldn't find my self to speak a sentence in English. ( I hope that will help you😊)
How do you say this in English (US)? foreigners
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How do you say this in English (US)? 個人的には foreignerって言葉が好きじゃないんです。なんかよそ者って響きに聞こえるんです。
personally , i dont like the term 'foreigner'. It has 'outsider' nuance/ring to it
How do you say this in English (US)? foreigners
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How do you say this in English (US)? How should I say foreigner's opposite word?
It would be understood, but "native" or "native person" would probably express your exact point better. :)
Other questions about "Foreigner"
A: As a foreigner, I’m not enabled to go to Xinjiang.
B: No matter when? I’m not sure about that. Maybe there are newly confirmed Covid cases there or because of some sensitive issues arisen from these days which I’m unaware of. But usually we are allowed go there on trips’ purposes. Does this sound natural?
B: No matter when? I’m not sure about that. Maybe there are newly confirmed Covid cases there or because of some sensitive issues arisen from these days which I’m unaware of. But usually we are allowed go there on trips’ purposes. Does this sound natural?
× A: As a foreigner, I’m not enabled to go to Xinjiang.
✓ A: As a foreigner, I’m not able to go to Xinjiang.
× Maybe there are newly confirmed Covid cases there or because of some sensitive issues arisen from these days which I’m unaware of.
✓ Maybe there are newly confirmed Covid cases there or because of some new sensitive issue these days which I’m unaware of.
× But usually we are allowed go there on trips’ purposes.
✓ But usually we are allowed go there on trips.
(or "for business purposes," "for vacation," etc. depending on the reason for the trip.)
✓ A: As a foreigner, I’m not able to go to Xinjiang.
× Maybe there are newly confirmed Covid cases there or because of some sensitive issues arisen from these days which I’m unaware of.
✓ Maybe there are newly confirmed Covid cases there or because of some new sensitive issue these days which I’m unaware of.
× But usually we are allowed go there on trips’ purposes.
✓ But usually we are allowed go there on trips.
(or "for business purposes," "for vacation," etc. depending on the reason for the trip.)
I think it is more difficult for foreigners to get to speak Japanese than for Japanese people to get to speak English. Does this sound natural?
× I think it is more difficult for foreigners to get to speak Japanese than for Japanese people to get to speak English.
✓ I think it is more difficult for foreigners to learn to speak Japanese than it is for Japanese people to learn to speak English.
✓ I think it is more difficult for foreigners to learn to speak Japanese than it is for Japanese people to learn to speak English.
When you see a foreigner using your language , you feel a sense of familiarity. Does this sound natural?
Sounds good. 😊
I served foreigner today
But I can’t speak English a lot
It 's very frustrating.
But I can’t speak English a lot
It 's very frustrating.
I had a foreign client/customer today but I wasn’t able to communicate in English. I’m so frustrated.
I met a foreigner in the mountain.
I wanted to talk a lot.
But I just said "Good morning“ Does this sound natural?
I wanted to talk a lot.
But I just said "Good morning“ Does this sound natural?
× I met a foreigner in the mountain.
✓ I met a foreigner in the mountain *.
× I wanted to talk a lot.
✓ I wanted to talk a lot,
× But I just said "Good morning“
✓ but I got nervous and just said "Good morning.“
Where I put the * say when you saw them for example, "yesterday", "last week" it will make it flow better.
✓ I met a foreigner in the mountain *.
× I wanted to talk a lot.
✓ I wanted to talk a lot,
× But I just said "Good morning“
✓ but I got nervous and just said "Good morning.“
Where I put the * say when you saw them for example, "yesterday", "last week" it will make it flow better.
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