Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Fun"
The meaning of "Fun" in various phrases and sentences
What does leading to, be in on the fun mean?
Example sentences using "Fun"
Please show me example sentences with fun fact.
Please show me example sentences with make fun of, tease
Could you give me some examples with these two vocabularies?.
Could you give me some examples with these two vocabularies?.
Synonyms of "Fun" and their differences
What is the difference between make fun of~ and make a fool of~ ?
Translations of "Fun"
Other questions about "Fun"
I'm a fun person if you get to know me
알고보면 난 재밌는 사람이야
I don't like boring
난 지루한 것을 싫어해
I'm from Seoul in South korea
난 대한민국 서울에서 왔다
I want to be close to you
너랑 친해지고 싶다
But my English isn't good
근데 나 영어 잘 못해 Does this sound natural?
알고보면 난 재밌는 사람이야
I don't like boring
난 지루한 것을 싫어해
I'm from Seoul in South korea
난 대한민국 서울에서 왔다
I want to be close to you
너랑 친해지고 싶다
But my English isn't good
근데 나 영어 잘 못해 Does this sound natural?
Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases
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