Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Haver"
The meaning of "Haver" in various phrases and sentences
What does haver (noun) mean?
Translations of "Haver"
How do you say this in English (US)? what do usualy haver for lunch?
What do you usually have for lunch?
How do you say this in English (UK)? hello haver you
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Other questions about "Haver"
I don't haver any idea or I have no idea Does this sound natural?
Actually both is correct... (without the extra "r" of course)
i haver the dream to traveling around the world Does this sound natural?
Acho que você está falando muito pausadamente. E você deveria ter usado "of" em vez de "to"
We all haver to go to school, but do you think it would be better if we wore school uniforms or casual clothers ? Does this sound natural?
Just make sure you pronounce your T's and the e in 'we' better. But it's pretty good!!
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