Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Hazardous"
The meaning of "Hazardous" in various phrases and sentences
What does hazardous mean?
What does hazardous mean?
dangerous or a cause for concern
What does hazardous mean?
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What does "hazardous " in 331 mean?
"Hazardous" means "dangerous" or "unsafe" :)
Example sentences using "Hazardous"
Please show me example sentences with hazardous .
'This substance is hazardous to life', 'that area is hazardous', 'Warning: hazardous materials'
Synonyms of "Hazardous" and their differences
What is the difference between hazardous and dangerous and harmful ?
anything can be described as dangerous or harmful. but hazardous means a specific location is dangerous.
"This is considered one of the most hazardous roads in the country, due to heavy snowstorms."
"This is considered one of the most hazardous roads in the country, due to heavy snowstorms."
What is the difference between hazardous and poisonous ?
hazardous is dangerous....a lot of things can be is a hazard...slippery/wet floor...biohazards like bacteria and virus...
poisonous means containing poison or acts like a poison...which means any substance which when comes in contact or enters the body cause harm to the body
ex:some snakes are poisonous
paracetamol is poisonous when taken in a large dose
poisonous means containing poison or acts like a poison...which means any substance which when comes in contact or enters the body cause harm to the body
ex:some snakes are poisonous
paracetamol is poisonous when taken in a large dose
What is the difference between hazardous and dangerous ?
Hazardous is less commonly used, and when used it usually refers to fatal or endangering substances because it's a stronger word. Dangerous is more commonly used and it can be applied to more situations since it's more natural.
What is the difference between hazardous and dangerous ?
“Hazardous” typically means is could cause death.
For example,
Tiny toys are hazardous to children.
“Dangerous” can vary from a chance you might hurt yourself to death.
For example,
Riding a bike can be dangerous. (Hurt)
Swimming with sharks is dangerous. (Potential death)
Hope this helps!!! Both are extremely similar
For example,
Tiny toys are hazardous to children.
“Dangerous” can vary from a chance you might hurt yourself to death.
For example,
Riding a bike can be dangerous. (Hurt)
Swimming with sharks is dangerous. (Potential death)
Hope this helps!!! Both are extremely similar
What is the difference between hazardous and dangerous ?
Often they mean the same but can have slight differences.
If there is a thing known potentially cause harm, it is usually called hazardous.
"The radioactive leak is very hazardous."
If there is a chance of something bad happening, not necessarily bodily harm, it is called dangerous.
"It's dangerous to go alone, take this!"
If there is a thing known potentially cause harm, it is usually called hazardous.
"The radioactive leak is very hazardous."
If there is a chance of something bad happening, not necessarily bodily harm, it is called dangerous.
"It's dangerous to go alone, take this!"
Translations of "Hazardous"
How do you say this in English (US)? hazardous
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How do you say this in English (US)? hazardous
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How do you say this in English (US)? hazardous
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Other questions about "Hazardous"
Please show me how to pronounce hazardous.
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Please show me how to pronounce hazardous.
thank you !
Please show me how to pronounce hazardous.
although you might hear other people say it with more of a "ous" sound at the end but I usually say it like "iss" because it's kinda my voice/slang/accent and it will most likely come out like "iss" when talking fast
Please show me how to pronounce hazardous.
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