Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Hight"
The meaning of "Hight" in various phrases and sentences
What does to hight light mean?
A highlight is the most important or memorable part of something. If you don't have time to listen to your friend's long, involved story, you might say, "Just give me the highlights." Highlight can also mean "a lightness or a bright area."
What does hight mean?
I’m not sure if you mean height.
Height is like the length of something but vertically.
The height of the mountain is 75,000 feet. (I don’t know if that’s a real height)
If your height is 5’ tall, you may ride this roller coaster.
I’m not sure if you mean height.
Height is like the length of something but vertically.
The height of the mountain is 75,000 feet. (I don’t know if that’s a real height)
If your height is 5’ tall, you may ride this roller coaster.
What does hight mean?
onchai,, oncha
onchai,, oncha
What does hight mean?
Chiều cao
Example sentences using "Hight"
Please show me example sentences with be hight .
@Yuulian, "be height"? To be honest, I'm not sure what that is... can you explain please?
Synonyms of "Hight" and their differences
What is the difference between hight and tall ?
Height is more of the length of something, either being tall or short
while tall is just something that is long in length
while tall is just something that is long in length
What is the difference between hight and height ?
"Hight" is an archaic word meaning "called"; it's not used anymore. "Height" means vertical elevation, usually used for a person, but also for how high something is above the ground in general, such as the height of an aeroplane in flight.
Translations of "Hight"
How do you say this in English (US)? sitting up there hight and white and pretty on the green
transport + sentence structure plz😭😭
transport + sentence structure plz😭😭
No no it's okay , you're trying so hard and I'm sure you'll become fluent with your hard work.
How do you say this in English (US)? hight priority
Check the question to view the answer
How do you say this in English (US)? What does it mean "you are hight maintenance" ?
Basically it’s someone who demands a lot of attention or effort. They can be difficult and needy. It’s not really a positive thing to be.
Other questions about "Hight"
1. If you adjust the hight of this handlf, it's easier for you to use.
2. Today, I was looking for a job where I can use my English online. I found some jobs such as a guide who guides customers around the Skytree or an assistant who puts through to other client or text a business message on the laptop to a client. When I was almost about to finish looking for it, I happened to find a perfect company that provides travel plans and hotel or condo for Japanese people. The job posting said that welcome to people who can
go business trip to Hawaii. I already applied for two jobs and now, I'm waiting for respond.
3. I'm looking for a job either where I can use English or a work place where they are foreigners work.
4. Healing all the things he was told by the fortune teller was insane.
Are these natural? If it sounds unnatural or grammatically wrong, please let me know😊
2. Today, I was looking for a job where I can use my English online. I found some jobs such as a guide who guides customers around the Skytree or an assistant who puts through to other client or text a business message on the laptop to a client. When I was almost about to finish looking for it, I happened to find a perfect company that provides travel plans and hotel or condo for Japanese people. The job posting said that welcome to people who can
go business trip to Hawaii. I already applied for two jobs and now, I'm waiting for respond.
3. I'm looking for a job either where I can use English or a work place where they are foreigners work.
4. Healing all the things he was told by the fortune teller was insane.
Are these natural? If it sounds unnatural or grammatically wrong, please let me know😊
1. If you adjust the height of this handle, it's easier for you to use.*
2. Today, I was looking for a job where I can use my English online. I found some jobs such as a guide who guides customers around the Skytree or an assistant who puts through to other clients or texts a business on the laptop to a client. When I was almost finished looking for it, I happened to find a perfect company that provides travel plans and a hotel or condo for Japanese people. The job posting said that they welcome people who can go on a business trip to Hawaii. I already applied for two jobs, and now, I'm waiting for a response.*
3. I'm looking for a job either where I can use English or a workplace where foreigners work.*
4. Hearing all the things he was told by the fortune teller was insane.*
2. Today, I was looking for a job where I can use my English online. I found some jobs such as a guide who guides customers around the Skytree or an assistant who puts through to other clients or texts a business on the laptop to a client. When I was almost finished looking for it, I happened to find a perfect company that provides travel plans and a hotel or condo for Japanese people. The job posting said that they welcome people who can go on a business trip to Hawaii. I already applied for two jobs, and now, I'm waiting for a response.*
3. I'm looking for a job either where I can use English or a workplace where foreigners work.*
4. Hearing all the things he was told by the fortune teller was insane.*
Roughly speaking, Mt. Fuji’s hight is 3000 meters. You can go to there more or less one hour by the bullet train from Tokyo.
My. Fuji ranges from Shizuoka prefecture to Yamanashi prefecture. Does this sound natural?
My. Fuji ranges from Shizuoka prefecture to Yamanashi prefecture. Does this sound natural?
× Roughly speaking, Mt. Fuji’s hight is 3000 meters.
✓ Roughly speaking, Mt. Fuji's height is about 3000 meters
× You can go to there more or less one hour by the bullet train from Tokyo.
✓ You can go to there more or less one hour by taking a bullet train in Tokyo to Mt. Fuji
× Fuji ranges from Shizuoka prefecture to Yamanashi prefecture.
✓ Mt. Fuji ranges from Shizuoka prefecture to Yamanashi prefecture.
✓ Roughly speaking, Mt. Fuji's height is about 3000 meters
× You can go to there more or less one hour by the bullet train from Tokyo.
✓ You can go to there more or less one hour by taking a bullet train in Tokyo to Mt. Fuji
× Fuji ranges from Shizuoka prefecture to Yamanashi prefecture.
✓ Mt. Fuji ranges from Shizuoka prefecture to Yamanashi prefecture.
Which one is correct?
1. All hight is 20 meter.
2. All hights are 20 meter.
I'm grateful if you give me the reason.
Thank you!
1. All hight is 20 meter.
2. All hights are 20 meter.
I'm grateful if you give me the reason.
Thank you!
1. The height is 20 meters.
2. All heights are 20 meters.
1. The height is 20 meters.
2. All heights are 20 meters.
This is the hight adjustment to align the length between surface of table and floor to be 1.2m +\- 0.03m.
Does this sound natural?
Does this sound natural?
You could change it to
This is the adjustment to ensure that the height between the surface of the table and the floor is 1.2m+\- 0.03m.
Height is used for vertical distance (in this case table and floor)
Align is used for making sure things are straightened together, so you can't align heights/lengths without comparing with something
This is the adjustment to ensure that the height between the surface of the table and the floor is 1.2m+\- 0.03m.
Height is used for vertical distance (in this case table and floor)
Align is used for making sure things are straightened together, so you can't align heights/lengths without comparing with something
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