Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Hight"

Other questions about "Hight"

Q: 1. If you adjust the hight of this handlf, it's easier for you to use.

2. Today, I was looking for a job where I can use my English online. I found some jobs such as a guide who guides customers around the Skytree or an assistant who puts through to other client or text a business message on the laptop to a client. When I was almost about to finish looking for it, I happened to find a perfect company that provides travel plans and hotel or condo for Japanese people. The job posting said that welcome to people who can
go business trip to Hawaii. I already applied for two jobs and now, I'm waiting for respond.

3. I'm looking for a job either where I can use English or a work place where they are foreigners work.

4. Healing all the things he was told by the fortune teller was insane.

Are these natural? If it sounds unnatural or grammatically wrong, please let me know😊

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