Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Hometown"
The meaning of "Hometown" in various phrases and sentences
What does hometown mean?
It’s the place where you grew up
What does What is your hometown know for? mean?
Check the question to view the answer
What does hometown y homeland mean?
Hometown and homeland mean the place where you have been born or where you have been raised as a child.
What does hometown mean?
Your "hometown" is the place you are from ... either you were born there or grew up there.
What does What shouldn't I miss in your hometown mean?
Vivo en Paris; cuando me visita, tiene que ver el torre Eiffel. Diríamos, "It's so beautiful! You shouldn't miss it!". Y Paris sería mí "hometown".
Example sentences using "Hometown"
Please show me example sentences with hometown .
My hometown is in California.
Many people haven't heard of my hometown.
My hometown is close to Tokyo.
Many people haven't heard of my hometown.
My hometown is close to Tokyo.
Please show me example sentences with How big is your hometown?.
How big is your hometown? My hometown is very small.
How big is your hometown? My hometown is large.
How big is your hometown? My hometown is a big city.
How big is your hometown? My hometown is medium size.
How big is your hometown? My hometown is large.
How big is your hometown? My hometown is a big city.
How big is your hometown? My hometown is medium size.
Synonyms of "Hometown" and their differences
What is the difference between Where do you come from? (about hometown) and Where did you come from? (about hometown) ?
'do' usually means they are still in that hometown while 'did' usually means they have moved out of that hometown
What is the difference between hometown and neighborhood ?
"hometown" is the town, city or village that you grew up in or you consider where your family is from.
"I was born and raised in Osaka. Osaka is my hometown."
Neighborhood is the general area that you live in right now. It is the community you live in that is inside a city.
"Tenma is a neighborhood in Osaka."
"I was born and raised in Osaka. Osaka is my hometown."
Neighborhood is the general area that you live in right now. It is the community you live in that is inside a city.
"Tenma is a neighborhood in Osaka."
What is the difference between I travelled to my hometown, namely Kyoto. and I travelled to my hometown: Kyoto. ?
Namely is used when there are multiple things but you want to specify one particular thing from that category.
So "I travelled to my hometown, namely Kyoto." Sounds like you have multiple hometowns. Which is a little strange because most people only have one hometown.
" I travelled to my hometown Kyoto." is correct.
You don't need the colon.
I hope you can understand my explanation. It's difficult to explain.
So "I travelled to my hometown, namely Kyoto." Sounds like you have multiple hometowns. Which is a little strange because most people only have one hometown.
" I travelled to my hometown Kyoto." is correct.
You don't need the colon.
I hope you can understand my explanation. It's difficult to explain.
What is the difference between You don't realize how wonderful your hometown is until you leave it and You don't realize how wonderful your hometown is before you leave it ?
I think that both expressions are fine, and mean the same thing.
What is the difference between hometown and birthplace ?
birthplace is only where u were born but hometown is where you grew up
Translations of "Hometown"
How do you say this in English (US)? I am driving to my hometown where my mom live alone at 4 p.m. after work. My hometown is a small rural village. I was born and raised there. My father was passed away about 20 years and my mom has been living alone. I visit there every Friday afternoon.
After work at 4 p.m., I’m going to drive to my hometown where my mom lives. My hometown is a small rural village, where I was born and raised. My father passed away about 20 years ago, and my mom lives alone. I visit every Friday afternoon.
How do you say this in English (US)? I came back from my hometown this morning and visited to my in-laws in the evening.
My family celebrates Lunar New Year's bow to my parents-in-law and eats fruits.
When I come here, I get a massage chair.
Then my whole body feels cool and good.
fix it
My family celebrates Lunar New Year's bow to my parents-in-law and eats fruits.
When I come here, I get a massage chair.
Then my whole body feels cool and good.
fix it
I came back from my hometown this morning and visited my in-laws in the evening.
We celebrates Lunar New Year's with a bow to my parents-in-law and eat fruits with them. (We, if you are included. Or my family and I )
When I come here, I use their massage chair and it makes my whole body feel cool and better. (Then is unnatural here)
We celebrates Lunar New Year's with a bow to my parents-in-law and eat fruits with them. (We, if you are included. Or my family and I )
When I come here, I use their massage chair and it makes my whole body feel cool and better. (Then is unnatural here)
How do you say this in English (UK)? what is your hometown
Where is you hometown?
How do you say this in English (US)? which is better, go back to my hometown or go back in my hometown ?
The first one is better
How do you say this in English (US)? is your hometown a good place for young people
@soasme: is your hometown a good place for young people?
Other questions about "Hometown"
(2) If you come to my hometown, you will see squirrel leaping from tree to tree. Does this sound natural?
× (2) If you come to my hometown, you will see squirrel leaping from tree to tree.
✓ (2) If you come to my hometown, you will see squirrels leaping from tree to tree.
✓ (2) If you come to my hometown, you will see squirrels leaping from tree to tree.
I went to my hometown on last Thursday . I stayed there for about a week and played with my dog. There’s a lot of nature.I relaxed all day and enjoyed the days.
I went back to my house yesterday. Does this sound natural?
I went back to my house yesterday. Does this sound natural?
× I went to my hometown on last Thursday .
✓ I went to my hometown last Thursday .
× I relaxed all day and enjoyed the days.
✓ I relaxed all day and enjoyed myself.
× I went back to my house yesterday.
✓ I got back home yesterday.
✓ I went to my hometown last Thursday .
× I relaxed all day and enjoyed the days.
✓ I relaxed all day and enjoyed myself.
× I went back to my house yesterday.
✓ I got back home yesterday.
I didn't imagine I would talk about my hometown in online English class. Does this sound natural?
You can also put the word "an" before the word "online".
I didn't imagine I would talk about my hometown in an online English class.
I didn't imagine I would talk about my hometown in an online English class.
What's the name of your hometown?
My hometown is seoul which is the capital in south korea.
Is that a big city or a small place?
That is a big city so a number of people live in seoul. About 10 million ?
How long have you been living there?
I have been living here since I was born
Do you like your hometown?
Of course I do. Seoul has excellent transport which makes it easy to get around. That is the biggest reason that I like Seoul
Is there anything you dislike about it?
As I said earlier, Seoul is the capital so seoul is too crowded. Particularly during rush hour, I can hardly move in the subway. Sometimes it makes me wish I lived in the countryside.
Does this sound natural?
What's the name of your hometown?
My hometown is seoul which is the capital in south korea.
Is that a big city or a small place?
That is a big city so a number of people live in seoul. About 10 million ?
How long have you been living there?
I have been living here since I was born
Do you like your hometown?
Of course I do. Seoul has excellent transport which makes it easy to get around. That is the biggest reason that I like Seoul
Is there anything you dislike about it?
As I said earlier, Seoul is the capital so seoul is too crowded. Particularly during rush hour, I can hardly move in the subway. Sometimes it makes me wish I lived in the countryside.
Does this sound natural?
× My hometown is seoul which is the capital in south korea.
✓ My hometown is Seoul, which is the capital in south korea.
× That is a big city so a number of people live in seoul.
✓ It is a big city, a large number of people live in seoul.
× I have been living here since I was born
✓ I have been living here since I was born.
× That is the biggest reason that I like Seoul
✓ That is the biggest reason I like Seoul.
× As I said earlier, Seoul is the capital so seoul is too crowded.
✓ As I said earlier, Seoul is the capital so it is too crowded.
✓ My hometown is Seoul, which is the capital in south korea.
× That is a big city so a number of people live in seoul.
✓ It is a big city, a large number of people live in seoul.
× I have been living here since I was born
✓ I have been living here since I was born.
× That is the biggest reason that I like Seoul
✓ That is the biggest reason I like Seoul.
× As I said earlier, Seoul is the capital so seoul is too crowded.
✓ As I said earlier, Seoul is the capital so it is too crowded.
I like my hometown.
It's an urban city and also has a lot of nature.
There are a lot of touristy atractions as well. Does this sound natural?
It's an urban city and also has a lot of nature.
There are a lot of touristy atractions as well. Does this sound natural?
× There are a lot of touristy atractions as well.
✓ There are a lot of touristy attractions as well.
Perfect 😌
✓ There are a lot of touristy attractions as well.
Perfect 😌
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