Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Irregardless"
The meaning of "Irregardless" in various phrases and sentences
What does irregardless mean?
Some people do use it, yes. It is even included in certain dictionaries, and then there have been news articles about those dictionaries receiving angry letters over its inclusion. Its a word of great controversy in English. But then again people also say "I could care less" which doesn't even make sense after you drop the "not." Or Americans who are not grammar nerds almost universally say "try and" rather than "try to," which is grammatically incorrect. So yes, Americans are very casual about their use of language.
What does irregardless mean?
I have never heard anyone use it in my 2 decades on this planet. I'm a native. If someone did use it, I would think of it as very odd, considering regardless means the exact same thing. It may seem like you are trying too hard if you use it.
What does irregardless mean?
It means “regardless.”
Example sentences using "Irregardless"
Please show me example sentences with irregardless.
I think it's "regardless"
regardless means in spite of everything
regardless means in spite of everything
Synonyms of "Irregardless" and their differences
What is the difference between irregardless and Regardless ?
It’s a trap! They mean the same thing :)
Irregardless is regarded as non-standard, but is still widely used in spoken English, often for emphasis.
Irregardless is regarded as non-standard, but is still widely used in spoken English, often for emphasis.
Translations of "Irregardless"
How do you say this in English (US)? irregardless
How do you say this in English (US)? irregardless
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Other questions about "Irregardless"
Please show me how to pronounce irregardless.
The word which you want to pronounce is REGARDLESS. “Irregardless” is not a word, although many people use it in ignorance.
irregardless Does this sound natural?
Just for some extra info. The word "irregardless" is quite contentious. Technically you should use the word "regardless" instead. They both mean the same thing.
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