Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Jak"
The meaning of "Jak" in various phrases and sentences
What does jak sie czujesz ? mean?
How do you feel?
What does jak można przetłumaczyć na polski nazwę miasta 'Beacon Hills '? mean?
The full sentence is: “What is ‘Beacon Hills’ translated into a Polish name?”
“Beacon” - świetlna
“Hills” - wzgórza
“Beacon Hills” - świetlnowe wzgórza
“Beacon” - świetlna
“Hills” - wzgórza
“Beacon Hills” - świetlnowe wzgórza
What does jak powiedzieć po angielsku słowo kaloryfer po angielski (amerykański)? mean?
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What does jak zapytać o prace? mean?
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Example sentences using "Jak"
Please show me example sentences with jak zaputasz się po angielsku o drogę np: jak mogę dojechać...
How do I get to...
How to drive to...
Which way do I drive?
Where is this place?
Do I turn left or right?
How long do I drive?
How to drive to...
Which way do I drive?
Where is this place?
Do I turn left or right?
How long do I drive?
Please show me example sentences with jak napisać która jest godzina .
12:00 = noon
24:00 = midnight
12:30 = half past noon
I will go home for lunch at half past noon, would you like to join me?
My friends want to arrive home from the party by midnight.
24:00 = midnight
12:30 = half past noon
I will go home for lunch at half past noon, would you like to join me?
My friends want to arrive home from the party by midnight.
Please show me example sentences with jak się czujesz.
How do u feel? U dont like good. ;
Yesterday i was sneezing all day and everyone was saying: how do you feel?
Yesterday i was sneezing all day and everyone was saying: how do you feel?
Please show me example sentences with jak mam to zrobić .
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Synonyms of "Jak" and their differences
What is the difference between How (jak) and Like (jak) ?
How is used when you need to know the condition of someone or something. It is also used when you need to know the quality of something.
Like is a slight form of love and preference. It also means that things have many of the same characteristics or qualities.
Like is a slight form of love and preference. It also means that things have many of the same characteristics or qualities.
Translations of "Jak"
How do you say this in English (US)? jak powiedzieć na osobę która dużo mówi np. w polskim "plotkara"
Hi there,
it's 'a gossip'
"She's such a gossip!"😮
it's 'a gossip'
"She's such a gossip!"😮
How do you say this in English (US)? Napalić się jak szczerbaty na suchary
I'd say the closest thing to this phrasal verb will be "to get pumped up", which means to get excited
He felt all pumped up because of a new car sale
I'm getting myself pumped up right now!
He felt all pumped up because of a new car sale
I'm getting myself pumped up right now!
How do you say this in English (US)? Miałem ciężki dzień, myśle jak odpocząć, a mam parę opcji do wyboru.
Hi there,
"I had a hard day; I'm deciding/pondering how to relax/destress, since I have a few options to choose from."
Hope that helps 😉
"I had a hard day; I'm deciding/pondering how to relax/destress, since I have a few options to choose from."
Hope that helps 😉
How do you say this in English (US)? jak się masz
"How are you?"
"How're ya doin'?"
"How're ya doin'?"
How do you say this in English (US)? jak się dzisiaj czujesz?
How are you feeling today?
Other questions about "Jak"
jak cos nagrywalam to do podkładu heh to nie płyta... chodzi mi czy dobrze wymawiam slowa..😘😘 Does this sound natural?
Yeah.. you can say it :)
jak w Angli mówi się na nauchyciela
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Jak to powiedzieć z brytyjskim akcentem ?? " i've been going through the rooms, to walk a little.To see the pictures grandmother embroidered on canvas. That we liked so much when we were children! Those were happier times. A wedding lasted ten days and wagging tongues were not the fashion. Today there's more finesse brides wear white veils like in the big cities and we drink bottled wine but inside we rot away over what people will say!" Musze sie tego nauczyc na przedstawienie ale nie jestem do końca pewna jak to powiedziec z brytyjskim akcentem... pomocyyy
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jak przechodzę przez jakiś tłum, to jak powinnam mówić 'Sorry' (sorry jak cie przez przypadek uderzyłem lub coś takiego) czy 'Excuse me' (przepraszam przesuń się)????
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Jak sie nauczyć wszystkich czasów i jak je kojarzyć? (Past Simple...)
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