Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Mistaken"
The meaning of "Mistaken" in various phrases and sentences
What does if I'm not mistaken, mean?
The phrase “If I’m not mistaken” is another way of saying “If I remember correctly”. It is a casual phrase used in conversation such as “His dog’s name is Louis, if I’m not mistaken”.
What does you’re sorely mistaken. mean?
It means you’ve made a big mistake or you’re way off
Example sentences using "Mistaken"
Please show me example sentences with If I'm not mistaken.
If I’m not mistaken, you’re Richard, right?
If I’m not mistaken, the store should be open at 10.
If I’m not mistaken, she used to be a teacher a few years ago.
If I’m not mistaken, she has two daughters in kindergarten.
Usually put at beginning of sentence and followed by what they think the correct answer is to a topic.
Think of it like how ね is used:
If I’m not mistaken, the store should be open at 10.
If I’m not mistaken, she used to be a teacher a few years ago.
If I’m not mistaken, she has two daughters in kindergarten.
Usually put at beginning of sentence and followed by what they think the correct answer is to a topic.
Think of it like how ね is used:
Please show me example sentences with mistaken.
thanks a lot for all the clarification 😊
Please show me example sentences with If i'm not mistaken.
If I'm not mistaken, English is a hard language.
If I'm not mistaken, cake is unhealthy for you.
Breakfast is the most important meal, if I'm not mistaken.
The phrase is basically used before or after you state a fact you are not sure about.
If I'm not mistaken, cake is unhealthy for you.
Breakfast is the most important meal, if I'm not mistaken.
The phrase is basically used before or after you state a fact you are not sure about.
Please show me example sentences with mistaken.
"You must be mistaken."
"He thought he was right, but he was mistaken"
"He thought he was right, but he was mistaken"
Synonyms of "Mistaken" and their differences
What is the difference between If I'm not mistaken and If I'm not wrong ?
Maybe "if I'm not mistaken" sounds a bit more formal. When writing an essay or anything of the sort, I would use that one. "If I'm not wrong" is more of an everyday thing.
What is the difference between by mistaken and by mistake ?
‘By mistaken’ is incorrect. By mistake is correct. To use ‘mistaken’ you might say, ‘You are mistaken.’
What is the difference between mistaken and wrong ?
"Mistaken" is very formal and polite. They both mean essentially the same thing. "You're wrong" is very strong and offensive, whereas "You're mistaken" is somewhat less offensive.
I was wrong about that. (informal/what you usually hear)
I was mistaken about that. (formal/polite)
I was wrong about that. (informal/what you usually hear)
I was mistaken about that. (formal/polite)
What is the difference between mistaken and misunderstand ?
"you must have mistaken me for someone else" "you misunderstand the question"
Translations of "Mistaken"
How do you say this in English (US)? mistaken
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How do you say this in English (US)? mistaken
Check the question to view the answer
How do you say this in English (US)? if I'm not mistaken
If I am not a mistaken
Other questions about "Mistaken"
- If I'm not mistaken,.... Does this sound natural?
yes very natural
i'm 30's,but i'm often mistaken for 20's! Does this sound natural?
I'm in my 30's, but I'm often mistaken for being in my 20's.
I'm in my 30's, but people often mistake me for being in my 20's.
I'm in my 30's, but people often mistake me for being in my 20's.
I'm often mistaken for the Chinese. Does this sound natural?
You should say "I'm often mistaken for a Chinese man"or even, "I'm often mistaken as being Chinese" which is a little bit more natural :)
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