Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Northern"
The meaning of "Northern" in various phrases and sentences
What does When you say "high in the Northern hemisphere" do you mean "northern part in the Northern hemisphere" or do you mean "high altitude in the Northern hemisphere"?? mean?
It can mean both, but the first one is a lot more likely.
Example sentences using "Northern"
Please show me example sentences with northern.
The northern lights can be seen in Alaska.
EX: In the northern part of the city, there are may restaurants.
The northern lights can be seen in Alaska.
EX: In the northern part of the city, there are may restaurants.
Other questions about "Northern"
Please show me how to pronounce northern and southern .
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northern Does this sound natural?
Sounds natural
northern Does this sound natural?
northern Does this sound natural?
it sounds like you are saying nor dern it might be the way that the mic picked it up but it's nor th(like the) ern
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