Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Oppress"
The meaning of "Oppress" in various phrases and sentences
What does oppress mean?
to not allow to express or act freely
Example sentences using "Oppress"
Please show me example sentences with oppress.
For years now, the people have been oppressed by a ruthless dictator.
In his speech he spoke against those who continue to oppress the poor.
The ruling class exploits and oppresses the subject class.
In his speech he spoke against those who continue to oppress the poor.
The ruling class exploits and oppresses the subject class.
Please show me example sentences with oppress.
I feel oppressed because of all these rules. Slaves were oppressed and not allowed any freedom. The dictator's reign was oppressive.
Synonyms of "Oppress" and their differences
What is the difference between oppress and depress ?
Oppress is used to describe the behaviour of an authority or government towards its citizens or a group of people. For example:
‘For many years the Jewish people have been oppressed by various governments’
Depress is a physical action of pressing something down. For example:
‘He depressed the button on the vending machine’
‘For many years the Jewish people have been oppressed by various governments’
Depress is a physical action of pressing something down. For example:
‘He depressed the button on the vending machine’
What is the difference between oppress and depress ?
Oppress is a verb for "forcing someone into a hard life" especially by force.
For example, 'Before the 20th century, women were oppressed and did not have rights.'
Depress is a verb (usually used in the past tense 'depressed') "to make someone feel very sad". Note - although entirely correctly, it's less common to use in reference to someone else.
For example, 'I spoke to my doctor and they said I was likely depressed.'
For example, 'Before the 20th century, women were oppressed and did not have rights.'
Depress is a verb (usually used in the past tense 'depressed') "to make someone feel very sad". Note - although entirely correctly, it's less common to use in reference to someone else.
For example, 'I spoke to my doctor and they said I was likely depressed.'
What is the difference between suppress, oppress and restrain ?
Suppress (ending something by force): She suppressed her feelings for him.
Oppress (govern people in an unfair way where they have no opportunities or freedom): People are oppressed in this country.
Restrain (to control someone’s actions or behavior by force): He was being restrained by the police.
Suppress (ending something by force): She suppressed her feelings for him.
Oppress (govern people in an unfair way where they have no opportunities or freedom): People are oppressed in this country.
Restrain (to control someone’s actions or behavior by force): He was being restrained by the police.
What is the difference between oppress and suppress ?
Oppress: to keep in subservience (meaning to obey others without question) usually through an unjust exercise of authority.
Example: The country has long been oppressed by an evil dictator.
Suppress: is to forcefully put to an end.
Example: They suppressed the criminal.
Example: The country has long been oppressed by an evil dictator.
Suppress: is to forcefully put to an end.
Example: They suppressed the criminal.
What is the difference between to oppress and to repress and to suppress ?
They all have similar meanings, but there are some subtle differences in meaning:
"oppression" is like widespread persecution, abuse, discrimination, or maltreatment of certain groups of people (such as based on gender, race, nationality, religion, etc.) – To "oppress" is to engage in oppressive behaviors against other people.
Example: a country that forbids girls from attending school
"repression" is very similar to "oppression" but to "repress" is more like using authoritarian power and control to force people to behave a certain way or to adopt certain beliefs – i.e. to force people to conform to expected ideals and "repress" (restrain or inhibit) resistance, disobedience, criticism, expansion of knowledge, creativity, individuality, etc. and restrict personal freedoms/liberties.
Example: a repressive country where people have limited freedoms and people are worried about breaking rules or criticizing the government because there are severe consequences
Note: repression also has other meanings (like you can "repress" a thought or feeling, meaning stop thinking about it or "put it in the back of your mind").
"suppression" is basically when you prevent people from speaking the truth or voicing their criticisms. For example, if a government censors, imprisons, or kills people who are critical of the government, then that is a form of suppression. It's basically using authoritarian power and control to "suppress" (hide, conceal, cover up) information or beliefs. "Suppression" has a similar meaning to "censorship".
Note: suppression also has other meanings (like you can "suppress" or muffle a sound so that it's not as loud/noisy).
Example: country where the government owns and controls all the major news/media outlets and nothing will be published or broadcast on television if it criticizes the government.
"oppression" is like widespread persecution, abuse, discrimination, or maltreatment of certain groups of people (such as based on gender, race, nationality, religion, etc.) – To "oppress" is to engage in oppressive behaviors against other people.
Example: a country that forbids girls from attending school
"repression" is very similar to "oppression" but to "repress" is more like using authoritarian power and control to force people to behave a certain way or to adopt certain beliefs – i.e. to force people to conform to expected ideals and "repress" (restrain or inhibit) resistance, disobedience, criticism, expansion of knowledge, creativity, individuality, etc. and restrict personal freedoms/liberties.
Example: a repressive country where people have limited freedoms and people are worried about breaking rules or criticizing the government because there are severe consequences
Note: repression also has other meanings (like you can "repress" a thought or feeling, meaning stop thinking about it or "put it in the back of your mind").
"suppression" is basically when you prevent people from speaking the truth or voicing their criticisms. For example, if a government censors, imprisons, or kills people who are critical of the government, then that is a form of suppression. It's basically using authoritarian power and control to "suppress" (hide, conceal, cover up) information or beliefs. "Suppression" has a similar meaning to "censorship".
Note: suppression also has other meanings (like you can "suppress" or muffle a sound so that it's not as loud/noisy).
Example: country where the government owns and controls all the major news/media outlets and nothing will be published or broadcast on television if it criticizes the government.
Translations of "Oppress"
How do you say this in English (US)? oppress
Check the question to view the answer
How do you say this in English (US)? Nor do i want to oppress men, who has been the aim of some authors.
Nor do I want to oppress men, which has been the purpose of other authors.
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