Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Phrase"
The meaning of "Phrase" in various phrases and sentences
What does what do these phrases mean? "orientate somebody/something to/towards somebody/something"?
and what a different between these phrases? mean?
and what a different between these phrases? mean?
What does "Not all that" in the phrase: "Not all that Mrs. Bennet, however, with the assistance of her five daughters, could ask on the subject, was sufficient to draw from her husband any satisfactory description of Mr. Bingley" (and a possible translation in Spa) mean?
What does In this phrase (you are a) this part a<- means exist? mean?
Example sentences using "Phrase"
Please show me example sentences with which phrase is correct? "by American president Andrew Jackson" or "by the American president Andrew Jackson"?.
Synonyms of "Phrase" and their differences
What is the difference between phrase and sentence ?
What is the difference between The phrase is used to someone close to you. and The phrase is used for someone close to you. ?
What is the difference between phrase and sentence ?
Translations of "Phrase"
How do you say this in English (US)? ‘Rise and shine’
is this phrase only used to wake someone up? or can i use this phrase in this situation?
A man woke up at 5am and worked out. he wanted to brag his diligence and uploaded what time was it on his instagram with the phrase ‘rise and shine’
is this phrase only used to wake someone up? or can i use this phrase in this situation?
A man woke up at 5am and worked out. he wanted to brag his diligence and uploaded what time was it on his instagram with the phrase ‘rise and shine’
Other questions about "Phrase"
what does the phrase "all the same" mean?
I didn't get it after some minutes of googling.
I didn't get it after some minutes of googling.
Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases
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