Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Pocketbook"
The meaning of "Pocketbook" in various phrases and sentences
What does pocketbook mean?
wow!You're profile picture is demon slayer!!
What does pocketbook mean?
Actually, it means purse or handbag.
Typically, only females carry pocketbooks.
Typically, only females carry pocketbooks.
What does pocketbook mean?
@Victoria_Parkes I get it. Thank you!
Synonyms of "Pocketbook" and their differences
What is the difference between pocketbook and notebook ?
Pocketbook is an old fashioned term referring to a purse or wallet.
Pocket book is a small paperback book that fit in a pocket.
A notebook a tablet of writing paper.
Pocketbook is an old fashioned term referring to a purse or wallet.
Pocket book is a small paperback book that fit in a pocket.
A notebook a tablet of writing paper.
What is the difference between pocketbook and wallet ?
Wallet is the more common term. Pocketbook feels outdated to me.
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