Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Poker"
The meaning of "Poker" in various phrases and sentences
What does poker is a zero sum game mean?
Para ganar $100, otra persona tiene que perder $100. Funciona en muchos contextos aparte de Poker. En comparación al descubrimiento de nuevos recursos naturales, cuando todos pueden 'ganar' sin perder.
What does poker face mean?
"Poker face" is a term meaning you can't tell what someone is thinking.
What does poker face mean?
A face with no emotion "😐"
What does poker face mean?
It is your ability to not let other people know how you feel about something. The term comes from poker players' ability to have a really good or really bad set of cards without letting the other players know. For example, you might get a great "hand" (set of cards) and want to smile and show how excited you are. If you have a good poker face, you won't show your excitement. So, when not playing poker, the same thing applies. Maybe someone is saying something to you that makes you feel a certain way (angry, happy). If you keep your feelings hidden, you have a good poker face. You might have a bad poker face. In that case, you have a really hard time hiding the way you feel. I hope that helps!
What does You might come across as a poker face mean?
Your face hides your true feelings/intentions.
Example sentences using "Poker"
Please show me example sentences with poker face .
I couldn't tell what he was thinking, he had a poker face.
His face doesn't move, he has a poker face.
His face doesn't move, he has a poker face.
Please show me example sentences with poker face .
"He has a horrible poker face, anyone can tell what he thinks."
"I can never tell what she's thinking, she has such a great poker face!"
"I can never tell what she's thinking, she has such a great poker face!"
Please show me example sentences with a poker face.
He has a poker face
Synonyms of "Poker" and their differences
What is the difference between " poker face " and " game face " ?
"game face" is a serious or intense facial expression.
"poker face" is a face on a person that shows no emotion.
"poker face" is a face on a person that shows no emotion.
What is the difference between poker face and stiff upper lip ?
'Poker face' is about hiding your emotion to deceive or trick.
'Stiff upper lip' is about controlling your emotions so you can do your duty.
'Stiff upper lip' is about controlling your emotions so you can do your duty.
What is the difference between He loves playing poker. and He loves play poker ?
First is correct.
Translations of "Poker"
How do you say this in English (US)? How do you say 2 in the poker cards in English?
two of hearts (or diamonds♢/clubs♧/spades♤)
How do you say this in English (US)? carré d'as (poker)
four of a kind, aces
How do you say this in English (US)? poker face
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Other questions about "Poker"
I’m really interested in poker.
Then, please tell me which is right?,and why it is correct.
“Lets play a poker!”
“Lets play poker”
Then, please tell me which is right?,and why it is correct.
“Lets play a poker!”
“Lets play poker”
Poker is an uncountable noun, so you cannot say "let's play a poker". You have to add special words in front to "count" uncountable nouns. For example, you can say "let's play a game of poker"
my poker face is getting great, nobody can say what I'm thinking! Does this sound natural?
My poker face is getting better, nobody knows what I'm thinking!
I haven't played poker today.
I didn't learn German yesterday.
I ate currant yesterday evening.
I haven't received SMS recently.
I have wrote a lot recently. Does this sound natural?
I didn't learn German yesterday.
I ate currant yesterday evening.
I haven't received SMS recently.
I have wrote a lot recently. Does this sound natural?
I have written a lot recently.
I've got used to the poker face of the teacher. Does this sound natural?
"I have gotten used to the teacher's poker face." sounds more natural. :)
Why is 'were' correct not 'was'?
But suddenly he felt as through a red-hot poker were being thrust into his chest.
But suddenly he felt as through a red-hot poker were being thrust into his chest.
This is called "subjunctive mood". We use it when talking about things that aren't real. In your example, the man is not actually being stabbed. Another example:
If I were a bird, I would be able to fly.
"Be" always becomes "were". "Will" becomes "would". "Can" becomes "could" or "would be able to".
If I were a bird, I would be able to fly.
"Be" always becomes "were". "Will" becomes "would". "Can" becomes "could" or "would be able to".
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