Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Postpond"
Synonyms of "Postpond" and their differences
What is the difference between postpond and delay ?
Postpond=answer someone's conversation with polite words
공손한 말로 누군가의 대화에 대답
Delay=stop something related to work, lessons, responsibilities and others. postponing includes stopping our activities and replacing them when we are not lazy
업무, 수업, 책임 및 기타 활동과 관련된 것을 중단하십시오.
공손한 말로 누군가의 대화에 대답
Delay=stop something related to work, lessons, responsibilities and others. postponing includes stopping our activities and replacing them when we are not lazy
업무, 수업, 책임 및 기타 활동과 관련된 것을 중단하십시오.
What is the difference between postpond and rain check ?
Rain check actually refers to an event being cancelled because of rain. Postpone is better. Usually an event is postponed ahead of time but a rain check would happen when the event is cancelled on the same day that it is supposed to happen
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