Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Pour"
The meaning of "Pour" in various phrases and sentences
What does pouring mean?
Pour is a verb that means to flow quickly and pouring would be the active form of that. The two most common uses would be 'I am pouring a drink' which means you're filling a cup with liquid from another container. The other common use is 'it's pouring outside' which means it is raining very hard.
What does pour mean?
Sorry... yes, you can use it for rain as well, like :
The rain continued to pour down.
Sorry... yes, you can use it for rain as well, like :
The rain continued to pour down.
What does to pour out mean?
If you have got a container and you want to wash it, but the container has things inside of it, you need to pour out the things inside of it to be able to wash the container.
What does it's pouring mean?
Well I'd need the exact context but usually that means that it's raining really hard outside.
What does pour in mean?
To pour means to cause something to flow from a container. This is usually used to talk about liquid.
"Pour the water into the bowl, then pour a cup of flour into the bowl."
"Will you pour me a glass of wine?"
"Pour the water into the bowl, then pour a cup of flour into the bowl."
"Will you pour me a glass of wine?"
Example sentences using "Pour"
Please show me example sentences with pouring.
The rain is pouring outside.
It's pouring outside.
Are you pouring the water out?
It's pouring outside.
Are you pouring the water out?
Please show me example sentences with pouring in.
“The storm is really pouring in” meaning it’s raining really hard
“People are pouring in!” Meaning a lot of people are coming in
Pouring in basically means a lot of something coming in at a short amount of time
“People are pouring in!” Meaning a lot of people are coming in
Pouring in basically means a lot of something coming in at a short amount of time
Please show me example sentences with pour out.
Please pour out the water from the cup
Don't pour out my beer! I'm still drinking it! 😂
Don't pour out my beer! I'm still drinking it! 😂
Please show me example sentences with pour.
Pour me a glass of wine please
The rain is pouring outside
The water poured down the slope
He was afraid to pour the jug
The rain is pouring outside
The water poured down the slope
He was afraid to pour the jug
Please show me example sentences with pour out and pour in.
If you make a hole in this tank, lots of water will pour out. It will pour into the room, which would be a big problem.
I watched dozens of people (pour out of / pour into) the building before they finally let us enter.
I watched dozens of people (pour out of / pour into) the building before they finally let us enter.
Synonyms of "Pour" and their differences
What is the difference between pour and spill ?
Pour is intentional.
Spill is an accident/unintentional.
Spill is an accident/unintentional.
What is the difference between pour and spill ?
Pour is a voluntary action, while spill is an involuntary action. You pour yourself a glass of water. You accidentally spill water on the floor.
What is the difference between pouring in and pouring out and pouring ?
@hjk2147 here you are pouring the tea into the glass! Pouring out would be getting rid of the tea from the teapot. Pouring is just the verb
What is the difference between pour and put ?
To pour refers to moving a liquid. To put refers to moving a solid object.
She pours the milk into a glass. She puts the glass on the table.
I poured the wine. I put the wine bottle on the shelf.
However, you could say that you put a liquid into a glass, and it wouldn't be incorrect. It's just more common to say pour. You could say "I put the milk in that glass", or "You put water into that bottle". But you CAN'T say "I poured that glass on the table" or "I poured the plate on the table" - that doesn't make sense. "Pour" means to move liquid from one place to another, normally into a glass or a cup.
She pours the milk into a glass. She puts the glass on the table.
I poured the wine. I put the wine bottle on the shelf.
However, you could say that you put a liquid into a glass, and it wouldn't be incorrect. It's just more common to say pour. You could say "I put the milk in that glass", or "You put water into that bottle". But you CAN'T say "I poured that glass on the table" or "I poured the plate on the table" - that doesn't make sense. "Pour" means to move liquid from one place to another, normally into a glass or a cup.
What is the difference between pour and dump ?
To pour would be to gradually empty a container of liquid. To dump would be to empty a container of liquid (or a container of objects) all at once.
Translations of "Pour"
How do you say this in English (US)? « c’est trop pour moi »
That's a lot for me
How do you say this in English (UK)? « pour dire que «
Check the question to view the answer
How do you say this in English (US)? « pour dire que »
To say that...
How do you say this in English (US)? pour de bon
for good, permanently, once and for all
How do you say this in English (UK)? pour la rentrée
"For the return." Or "For the start of the school year." Depending on what you want to say.
Other questions about "Pour"
Please show me how to pronounce poor and pour .
they are pronounced the same
Please show me how to pronounce pour and poor.
🍃🌺🍃Here is ur pronunciation🍃🌺🍃
🍃🌺🍃Here is ur pronunciation🍃🌺🍃
Please show me how to pronounce poor / pour .
they are pronounced the same in most dialects of American English.
1☆ It's pouring outside here!☔️
2☆ It's raining heavily here!☔️
Does this sound natural?
2☆ It's raining heavily here!☔️
Does this sound natural?
It's more natural to exclude "here" as its inferred to the location.
It's pouring. Does this sound natural?
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