Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Preferences"
The meaning of "Preferences" in various phrases and sentences
What does Preferences mean?
preferences means what someone prefers
Other questions about "Preferences"
Preferences would differ from person to person. Personally, working for a big company is always a wise choice. There are a couple of reasons why I assumed that.
Is it grammatically correct?
Is it grammatically correct?
"Preferences differ from person to person. Personally, working for a big company is always a wise choice. There are a couple of reasons why I believe that."
I think "would" is not necessary here because you are saying this is something that is already true. I also think "assumed" sounds awkward, because it sounds like you no longer think this is true. I would use a word like "believe."
I think "would" is not necessary here because you are saying this is something that is already true. I also think "assumed" sounds awkward, because it sounds like you no longer think this is true. I would use a word like "believe."
Preferences would differ from person to person. Personally, working for a big company is always a wise choice. There are a couple of reasons why I assumed that.
Is it grammatically correct?
Is it grammatically correct?
Hi! yes it’s grammatically correct. Here’s another way of saying it,
“Each person would have different preferences. Personally, I always think it's a good idea to work for a large corporation. There are a few reasons for my presumption.”
“Each person would have different preferences. Personally, I always think it's a good idea to work for a large corporation. There are a few reasons for my presumption.”
Preferences would differ from person to person. Personally, working for a big company is always a wise choice. There are a couple of reasons why I assumed that.
Does that make sense?
Does that make sense?
Preferences differ from person to person. personally, I think working for a big company is always a wise choice. There are a couple of reasons why I assume that.
Preferences would differ from person to person. Personally, working for a big company is always a wise choice. There are a couple of reasons why I assumed that.
Does it make sense?
Does it make sense?
Your sentences are correct, but this suggestion is more natural:
Preferences would differ from person to person. Personally, I think working for a big company is always a wise choice, for a couple of reasons.
Preferences would differ from person to person. Personally, I think working for a big company is always a wise choice, for a couple of reasons.
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