Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Respite"
The meaning of "Respite" in various phrases and sentences
What does respite mean?
a small time frame where you are at ease and away from a stressful or hard time
What does A respite from chaos. mean?
Temporary relief from choas. It means he will have a short period time where he will not be experiencing chaos.
What does Deprived of this respite, I should have sunk under my hardships. mean?
“Deprived of” = “not allowed to have”
“Respite” = “rest (from stress)”
“Hardships” = “difficult things (that cause suffering)”
“Sunk” = what a boat does when it breaks and goes underwater
So: “without being allowed to rest, I would have sunk [like a boat] in [the water of] my suffering”
“Respite” = “rest (from stress)”
“Hardships” = “difficult things (that cause suffering)”
“Sunk” = what a boat does when it breaks and goes underwater
So: “without being allowed to rest, I would have sunk [like a boat] in [the water of] my suffering”
Example sentences using "Respite"
Please show me example sentences with respite.
The holiday provided Maria with a brief respite from the stresses of daily life.
Please show me example sentences with respite.
Respite is not a very commonly used word. I don't think you really need to know the word too well. Here is a sentence: "After spring break, I finally have some respite from homework."
Please show me example sentences with respite .
Sara took a short trip to the ocean to get respite from caring for her dying mother.
Make sure you get some respite while caring for someone with cancer.
He got some respite from the daily routine of taking care of his wife who has Alzheimer.
Make sure you get some respite while caring for someone with cancer.
He got some respite from the daily routine of taking care of his wife who has Alzheimer.
Other questions about "Respite"
There was no respite from the suffocating heat in the desert.(respite)
Let me know if this sounds right. If it doesn't, please correct it so it becomes more natural or suggest any example sentence with the word in
Let me know if this sounds right. If it doesn't, please correct it so it becomes more natural or suggest any example sentence with the word in
seeing that respite means relief or rest your sentence sounds good to me
How is "respite" pronounced in American English? Like "respait"?
respite. Despite the E on the end. The American pronunciation uses a lowercase i sound. The British version uses the uppercase i sound.
Please show me how to pronounce respite .
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