Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Synonyme"
Example sentences using "Synonyme"
Please show me example sentences with unless
unless (as a synonyme of except if).
unless (as a synonyme of except if).
The word "unless" is a conjunction.
Come over to my house, unless you're busy today.
I can come over in the morning, unless the train is late.
I don't like chocolate, unless it's in ice cream
Come over to my house, unless you're busy today.
I can come over in the morning, unless the train is late.
I don't like chocolate, unless it's in ice cream
Translations of "Synonyme"
How do you say this in English (US)? what is the synonyme of anry
Do you mean "angry"?
furious, irate, livid, mad, apoplectic, fuming
furious, irate, livid, mad, apoplectic, fuming
How do you say this in English (UK)? synonyme of uniform
I don’t believe there is any other universal words.
But you can describe each type yourself.
School attire
School clothes
Work attire
Work clothes
But you can describe each type yourself.
School attire
School clothes
Work attire
Work clothes
How do you say this in English (US)? synonyme of tiredness
synonyme of tiredness
synonyme of tiredness
exhaustion, weariness...
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