Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Tedious"
The meaning of "Tedious" in various phrases and sentences
What does tedious mean?
@AubreyR Thank you so much!
What does tedious mean?
It simply means boring.
Watch paint dry(say it when you think something is very boring)
Teaching English day and night is tedious/boring to me.
My job is so tedious/boring! I think I need a long break.
Listening to what my teacher says in class is like watching paint dry.
Watch paint dry(say it when you think something is very boring)
Teaching English day and night is tedious/boring to me.
My job is so tedious/boring! I think I need a long break.
Listening to what my teacher says in class is like watching paint dry.
What does tedious mean?
adjective: tedious
too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous.
adjective: tedious
too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous.
What does tedious mean?
Example sentences using "Tedious"
Please show me example sentences with tedious.
My chores are very tedious to do.
Teaching is a very tedious job.
Homework is very tedious to do.
Teaching is a very tedious job.
Homework is very tedious to do.
Please show me example sentences with tedious.
If you are not interested in the subject the class will feel tedious.
Please show me example sentences with tedious.
Here are some example sentences:
This is dull and tedious work
Long and tedious speech
Tedious/dull conversation
Tedious is just an adjective for “boring” or “dull.” It can also mean something is really troublesome to do.
This is dull and tedious work
Long and tedious speech
Tedious/dull conversation
Tedious is just an adjective for “boring” or “dull.” It can also mean something is really troublesome to do.
Please show me example sentences with tedious .
Today's lesson was very tedious.
The book was tedious, so I gave up on reading it after a few pages.
The book was tedious, so I gave up on reading it after a few pages.
Synonyms of "Tedious" and their differences
What is the difference between tedious and monotonous ?
"Tedious" refers to something that is tiresome, boring, or repetitive due to its length, complexity, or lack of variety. It implies a sense of frustration or mental exhaustion. "Monotonous," on the other hand, describes something that is dull, unvarying, or lacking in diversity or change, often leading to a sense of boredom or a feeling of sameness. It suggests a repetitive nature without much excitement or stimulation. I hope this helps!
What is the difference between tedious and boring ?
Tedious and boring are similar in that they both describe something that is dull or uninteresting, but there are subtle differences in their meanings.
Tedious usually refers to something that is long, tiresome, or repetitive, often to the point of being annoying or frustrating. For example:
"The process of filling out these forms is so tedious."
"Listening to him go on and on about his work was a tedious experience."
"The task of cleaning the entire house from top to bottom was incredibly tedious."
Boring, on the other hand, typically describes something that fails to hold one's attention or interest. It suggests a lack of excitement or stimulation. For example:
"The lecture on quantum physics was so boring that half the class fell asleep."
"I find sitting at a desk all day to be incredibly boring."
"The movie was really boring and I couldn't wait for it to end."
Tedious usually refers to something that is long, tiresome, or repetitive, often to the point of being annoying or frustrating. For example:
"The process of filling out these forms is so tedious."
"Listening to him go on and on about his work was a tedious experience."
"The task of cleaning the entire house from top to bottom was incredibly tedious."
Boring, on the other hand, typically describes something that fails to hold one's attention or interest. It suggests a lack of excitement or stimulation. For example:
"The lecture on quantum physics was so boring that half the class fell asleep."
"I find sitting at a desk all day to be incredibly boring."
"The movie was really boring and I couldn't wait for it to end."
What is the difference between tedious and boring ?
My work at the factory is easy but extremely tedious. That movie is so boring, it put me to sleep. (The movie cannot be tedious because it's not repetitive. Since you said the work is tedious, you know that it is both repetitive and boring. It gives more information than just saying it's boring.)
What is the difference between tedious and monotonous. ?
They're quite similar and can often be used interchangeably. However, I think of tedious as being closer to "boring", and monotonous as being closer to "repetitive."
What is the difference between tedious and boring ?
the difference is that boring is that you have no interest in this thing
and tedious is about things that you like but are long and tiring
and tedious is about things that you like but are long and tiring
Translations of "Tedious"
How do you say this in English (UK)? tedious
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Other questions about "Tedious"
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It's so tedious Does this sound natural?
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