Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Trap"

The meaning of "Trap" in various phrases and sentences

Q: What does trap the killer mean?
A: They can mean the same thing sometimes, but not always.
Trap is to cause someone to be stuck in a place. (We trapped him in the alley)
Catch & trap both put a person to a stop. But catch usually means to stop someone right before taking them (we caught him in a net). It is also used when you see someone committing a crime (I caught him stealing, I caught them cheating) or if you are looking for someone and you see them somewhere (I caught him at the bar), even if you don’t confront them.
Trap can’t be used in those situations.
Finally, caught can be used if the person is unable to move, usually tangled or stuck to/in in something. (He got caught in a bush, the spider caught a fly in its web) Trap can be used in this situation too if the person can’t see a way out of what they’re caught in.

Trap has fewer implications, it only means for someone to be stuck in an obstacle.
If a mouse was trapped in a box, it could have been trapped by accident without someone waiting to take it, or somebody could have been trying to trap it. However, if a mouse was caught in a box, it only means someone was definitely trying to get it.
If you look up the noun trap, you’ll see that a trap could be a way to catch something. (I caught a rabbit in a trap, the criminal fell for our trap)

Trapping a killer could mean to catch it, because you are probably trapping the killer deliberately.
You can trap a killer and the killer could still get away.
If you catch a killer though, it implies he was unable to get away.

Hopefully that helps, sorry if it’s confusing. It’s tricky to explain. What I mean is in some situations catch & trap is interchangeable, but sometimes not.

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