Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Urgent"
The meaning of "Urgent" in various phrases and sentences
What does urgent mean?
urgent means you want something to be given the utmost importance at this particular moment.
Hope this helps
Hope this helps
What does urgent mean?
needs attention immediately or requiring a speedy action
What does that’s nowhere near urgent enough. mean?
Yes, as well as saying "I've got time so I'll just put it off until I actually really need to get it done."
Yes, as well as saying "I've got time so I'll just put it off until I actually really need to get it done."
What does most urgent mean?
Most urgent = most important
Example sentences using "Urgent"
Please show me example sentences with urgent.
It is urgent that you finish your paper tonight. It is due in the morning.
I need to go to the bathroom! It's urgent!
I was taken to urgent care in the hospital.
This is urgent.
Tell mom it's urgent.
You have a phone call from your mother, she says it's urgent.
I need to go to the bathroom! It's urgent!
I was taken to urgent care in the hospital.
This is urgent.
Tell mom it's urgent.
You have a phone call from your mother, she says it's urgent.
Please show me example sentences with urgent.
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Please show me example sentences with urgent.
She left early because something urgent came up at home.
Synonyms of "Urgent" and their differences
What is the difference between urgent and emergency ?
urgent = important, emergency = life or property threatening situation
urgent .... pay your bills on time 💰
emergency..... put out a house that's on fire 🏠 🔥
urgent .... pay your bills on time 💰
emergency..... put out a house that's on fire 🏠 🔥
What is the difference between urgent and immediate ?
Immediate- right now
Urgent- a strong need to do something, usually quickly, but not as fast as immediately.
A: I have an urgent message! I need to tell you something important!
B: I'm really busy right now, so I can't listen to it immediately. I'll call you back in 2 minutes.
Urgent- a strong need to do something, usually quickly, but not as fast as immediately.
A: I have an urgent message! I need to tell you something important!
B: I'm really busy right now, so I can't listen to it immediately. I'll call you back in 2 minutes.
What is the difference between urgent and prompt ?
urgent - compelling immediate action. whereas prompt - ready to act or on schedule.
What is the difference between urgent and evident ?
urgent means something is almost emergency like
.. it is very important or need to be done quickly.
She had an urgent assignment to complete before the day was over.
evident means something obvious Or blatant
it was evident she was not going to finish in time
.. it is very important or need to be done quickly.
She had an urgent assignment to complete before the day was over.
evident means something obvious Or blatant
it was evident she was not going to finish in time
What is the difference between urgent and emergency ?
Urgent is usually when something is needed to be done. "I need to get my work done, it's urgent!" It's used to say that something is important.
Emergency is when something more serious happens. "I need an Doctor, it's an emergency!"
Sometimes they can be used both way.
Emergency is when something more serious happens. "I need an Doctor, it's an emergency!"
Sometimes they can be used both way.
Translations of "Urgent"
How do you say this in English (UK)? c'est urgent
On dit "It's urgent" ou "It is urgent" tout simplement😊
How do you say this in English (US)? c'est urgent
Vraiment ?
How do you say this in English (US)? urgent
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How do you say this in English (US)? urgent
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Other questions about "Urgent"
371-380 urgent, please🥺
371. Tries, turns up
372. Does not call, waits
373. Would forgive, was
374.came back, are
375. Fought, were sure
376. Open, explains
377. Tells, chose
378. Will finish, will make sure
379. Put up, began
380. Smiled, understood
372. Does not call, waits
373. Would forgive, was
374.came back, are
375. Fought, were sure
376. Open, explains
377. Tells, chose
378. Will finish, will make sure
379. Put up, began
380. Smiled, understood
Please show me how to pronounce It's not urgent.
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Please show me how to pronounce It's not urgent.
It's not urgent.
urgent Does this sound natural?
You pronounce the word well! :)
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